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简是一个性感女孩。Jane is a buxom blonde.

她只是一个傻傻的金丝猫吗?Was she only a dumb blonde?

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金发女郎说,“土豆。”"Potatoes, " says the blonde.

漂亮的金发美女不全是傻瓜。Blonde faire is not a dumbbell.

我会长金发是一件特别奇怪的事,It's weird that I had blonde hair,

大多数瑞典人都是金发白肤碧眼者。The generality of Swedes are blonde.

一个高高个子,白肤金发的白人姑娘接待了我。I was met by a tall blonde white girl.

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她长着蓝蓝的大眼睛、头发黄黄的。She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.

28岁的她金发碧眼,非常漂亮。She is 28, blonde and quite beautiful.

这就好办了,处理这种事情我有经验,我的太太就是一个金发女郎,没错,我说的就是金发女郎!I'll handle this. I'm married to a blonde.

第一个女郎只好把化妆盒给她。So the first blonde hands her the compact.

然后金发女郎说她带了一个车门。Then the blonde says I brought a car door.

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你看见那个挑染金色头发的女孩吗?Do you see that girl with blonde highlights?

在我年幼时,我曾有一头金发。I used to have blonde hair when I was a kid.

噢,天啊,请帮我切成六块。“Oh, goodness, six please,” said the blonde.

珍妮特天生一头金发,身材曼妙。Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.

为什么美女在栅栏上标上刻度?Why did the blonde scale the chain-link fence?

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好莱坞有许多可爱但愚蠢的金发女郎。There are many ditzy blonde babes in Hollywood.

如果你不好好学习,你就会成为一个绣花枕头。If you don't study hard , you'll be a dumb blonde.

和美女结婚的好处是啥?你可能在残幛人士专用车位停车。What's the advantage of being married to a blonde?