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游隼和橡实啄木鸟。Peregrine Falcon, and Acorn Woodpecker.

我了解到,游隼夫妇一般都是相守多年的。I knew peregrine pairs stay together for many years.

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如果我被老鹰或隼之类的盯上了,能逃脱掉么?。Can I escape from hawk and peregrine when they are after?

如果我被老鹰或隼之类的盯上了,能逃脱掉么?Can I escape from hawk and peregrine when they are after me?

西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。Western Snowy Plover, Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

西部雪鸻鸟、橡实啄木鸟和游隼。Western Snowy Plover , Acorn Woodpecker, and Peregrine Falcon.

一旦游隼进入育种栏,它的能源需求就会下降。Once the Peregrine enters a breeding pen its energy requirements drop.

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像秃鹰、游隼、鹭鸶这样的鸟类几乎消失殆尽。Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.

雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon.

像这样给人深刻印象的动物还有游隼和美洲鳄。So have such impressive species as the peregrine falcon and the American alligator.

游隼捕到鸟类猎物时,通常是先拔掉它们的羽毛,再把肉撕下来。Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.

“寄居者企鹅”,在独角兽俱乐部和奥斯卡同样的角色。Peregrine the Penguin', Oscar's equivalent at the Unicorns, the Griffins' rival club.

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你有一个很好的机会在这里看到秃鹰,甚至看到燕隼或游隼。You've got a good chance of seeing buzzards here and even a hobby or peregrine falcon.

我们还将讨论使用游隼实验室的散景插件创建现实的景深。We'll also discuss using Peregrine Lab's Bokeh plug-in to create realistic depth of field.

总部美国的游隼基金会声称最近三种秃鹫有可能在肯尼亚的马赛马拉草原灭绝。The US-based Peregrine Fund said at least three species could die out in Kenya's Masai Mara.

游隼的主要特征是它在开放大气空间内高速捕猎的能力。What characterizes a peregrine falcon is its pure ability to hunt at high speed in open airspace.

游隼的主要特征是它有在开放大气空间内高速捕猎的能力。What characterizes a peregrine falcon is its pure ability to hunt at high speed in open airspace.

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我还有一支游隼羽毛,这是另一个被挽救的生物种类。I also have a feather from another species making a comeback against the odds, the peregrine falcon.

百富榜至今已经有1,000名上榜人,除了青海,中国每个地区都有各自的榜单。Peregrine has been top of the list has 1,000 people, apart from Qinghai, China, each region has its own list.

刷漆时应采用勤沾、短刷的原则,防止刷子带漆太多而流坠。Painting Peregrine adopted when James and the short brush, brush to prevent the flow with too many southbound crash.