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我是凯东·金。I'm Kathy King.

凯西把手指划破了。Kathy has cut her finger.

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凯西向艾凡回报。Kathy reports back to Evan.

凯西加入了西洋棋俱乐部。Kathy joined the chess club.

凯西,我喜欢这些蚀刻画。I like these etchings, Kathy.

凯西和我做了头发和面部美容。Kathy and I got haircuts and facials.

比尔和凯西。列辛斯基有18个雪橇狗。Bill and Kathy Lesinski have 18 sled dogs.

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凯丝正盼望能再见到您。Kathy is looking forward to seeing you again.

凯西·海登赫伊斯当时坐在附近的沙滩上。Kathy Geldenhuys was sitting on a nearby bench.

凯西和艾凡在海关大楼里面。Kathy and Evan are inside the customs building.

凯西是一位有经验的赶狗拉雪橇的人。Kathy is an experienced musher, or sled driver.

凯西说过会帮忙的,但她对我们食言了。Kathy said she'd help but she flaked out on us.

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我不需要去在乎宝拉和凯西想些什么。I don't need to care what Paula and Kathy think.

艾凡在哥本哈根的青年旅社登记住房。Kathy and Evan check into the Copenhagen Hostel.

凯西寒假时得到了严重的风寒。Kathy caught a bad chill during winter vacation.

戴夫和凯茜计划在假期里偷偷跑出去。Dave and Kathy are going to steal away on vacation.

凯西走进一家旅行社。瑞克?肯特迎接她。Kathy enters a travel agency. Rick Kent greets her.

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戴夫和凯茜商量在假期里偷偷跑出去。Dave or Kathy are not go to steal apart on vacation.

凯茜好像使他完全拜倒在她的石榴裙下。It seems that Kathy has had him entirely at her feet.

他以他的飞机去那里,而她的姐姐凯西。He is going there withe his plane and her sister Kathy.