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那个坏蛋昨天受到了教训。The badass was schooled yesterday.

呜哇!我是古往今来最浑的半身人!Woot! I am the most badass halfling EVER!

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因为,你们知道的,人渣总是不够快。Because, you see, badass motherfuckers are never fast enough.

在一个宇宙里她早已是一个反派角色,所以,为什么不再来演另外一个?She's already been one badass character in one universe, so why not another?

看起来他能扮演任何角色,从斯文安静的君子到恨得人牙痒痒的大反派。It seems like he can play anything from the polite and quiet to the badass as hell.

各家信用卡公司必须提供更多坏蛋形象卡设计,比如谢尔曼坦克或摩托党的徽章。Companies must offer more badass card designs, such as a Sherman tank or the Motörhead insignia

但同时,她也是个十足的奸诈之人,她百无禁忌——我认为是不惜一切代价——去得到她想要的。But then again, she’s a total badass who will stop at nothing — and I mean nothing — to get what she wants.

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无论如何,我只想在他们退居二线后贴一些照片纪念一下这款又矮又胖又暴敛的飞机。Anyway, after the jump, I just thought I'd post some pics of this excitingly chunky, totally badass airplane.

这个在第一部电影中胖乎乎的懦弱男孩在他学校生涯的最后一年里变成了不得了的不良少年。The wimpy, bullied kid from the first movie ends up as Hogwarts’ biggest badass by the end of his senior year.

服装间里装满了各式各样的衣服,从华丽的礼服到笔挺的套装还有坏人必备——皮夹克。The space was packed with racks of ornate dresses, structured suits, and some seriously badass leather jackets.

今天我们来看看一个如此生猛以至于整篇文章只能塞得下他一个人的男人。Today we are focusing on someone so badass that we had no choice but to dedicate an entire article just to his work.

非洲巨型蜗牛惊人之处莫过于它庞大的体型,甚至人类因此不惜用火攻来消灭它们。The Giant African snail is so badass and huge that in order to eradicate it, people employ the use of flame throwers.

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起初,雅达夫也被报告说挂掉了,后来弄清了挂掉的是另外一个猛哥。It was initially reported that Yadav had as well, but it turns out that they just mistook him for someone less badass.

朗格在现实生活中也是一名猛人,他是空手道黑带选手,瑞典空手道国家队的队长。Lundgren is a real-life badass who holds a 3rd degree black belt in Karate and even captained the Swedish National Karate Team.

这个片断中,青年女巫队伍中令人讨厌的女生被施加魔法变成了“对新鲜事物敏感且有见识的女生“,她让学校里那帮惹是生非的家伙们留下了深刻印象。In this scene, the geeky friend of the teen witch is magically transformed in to a “hip chick” so she can impress the school badass.

鲜血染红了地面,而她仅仅是站在那里注视着那些十足的恶棍,难道是因为她杀人如麻吗?And then blood sprays all over the place? And then she just stands there looking totally badass because she doesn’t even care at all?

劲爆到他饰演一名警察时都因为在逮捕坏蛋时造成的破坏而被称为“毁灭者”的地步。So badass that even when he plays a cop he gets the nickname Demolition Man because of all the damage his does while capturing bad guys.

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好吧,事实上,我在想,唯一有可能比这个更混蛋的事情,就是你接受了诺贝尔和平奖的奖金,然后把它们派发给军队。Well actually, I am thinking the only way you can be more badass than that is if you take the Nobel Peace Prizemoney and give it to the military.

嗯,其实,我想,唯一可能比这个更操蛋的,就是你接受了诺贝尔和平奖的奖金,然后把它们送给军队。Well, actually, I'm thinking, the only way you can more badass than that, is if you take the Nobel Peace Prize money and give it to the military.

好吧,事实上,我在想,唯一有可能比这个更混蛋的事情,就是你接受了诺贝尔和平奖的奖金,然后把它们派发给军队。Well actually, I am thinking the only way you can be more badass than that is if you take the Nobel Peace Prize money and give it to the military.