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这纸写上去太薄。The paper is flimsy to write on.

幸福的含义怎能那么浅薄?Meanings of happiness won’t so flimsy.

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稚嫩的蜻蜓,潮湿而单薄Fresh-opened dragonflies, wet and flimsy

薄弱的胶原意味着细缝和皱纹。Flimsy collagen means lines and wrinkles.

在他那番站不住脚的论点中找漏洞是很容易的。It was easy to pick holes in his flimsy argument.

看,他们的菜单多么轻薄易破啊。“Look how flimsy their menus are,” Bessie giggle.

他住在用藤条和茅草搭成的单薄房子里。His habitation is flimsy affair of canes and thatch.

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头状花序单生叶腋,花梗细长而脆弱。Armpit of capitate only leaf, peduncular and long and thin and flimsy.

戴了一顶破帽子,整个一圈帽沿都快掉下来似的。Roman wore a smashed down hat with a flimsy brim all the way around it.

尽管这对你来说,听起来是个脆弱的借口,但对我而言,它是个足够的理由。Though this may seem a flimsy reason to you, it is reason enough for me.

她还找出了如何运行这个装置的一本薄薄的手册。She was also able to unearth a flimsy manual on how to operate the device.

如果人长期缺钙或缺维生素D,骨头就会逐渐变得脆弱。If lacking calcium or vitamin D for long time, bones will become flimsy gradually.

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她只在薄如蝉翼的睡衣外套了一件薄睡袍,而且光着脚。She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.

在中国,我房子的前门很重、很严实,而在英国,是简装的门。My Chinese front door is very heavily constructed. In the UK these are quite flimsy.

他很快地走出去,撇下侍者头儿半信半疑地瞪着这张薄薄的蓝纸。He walked out fast, leaving the head waiter staring dubiously at the flimsy blue paper.

当你被解雇或者下岗的时候,你就会立刻意识到这份幻觉是多么的不堪一击。If you’re ever fired or laid off, you quickly realize how flimsy the illusion really was.

建筑师将设计绘在薄薄的图纸上,修建的大楼却能历经地震巍然不动。An architect draws designs on flimsy paper, and her buildings stand up through earthquakes.

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使我觉的人的生命是地球上最脆弱东西。面对现在复杂的社会,人应该如何学会保护自己?Let me feel flimsy personalty. how to protect ourself when we face present complex society?

这是对英国给东欧各国提供脆弱的保证的挑战性的答复。This was the challenging answer to the flimsy British network of guarantees in Eastern Europe.

不要光有易坏和不实用的东西,虽然在某一时刻某一场所也需要它们。Not just things that are flimsy and unpractical, though they have their place and time as well.