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她的分娩期临近了。Her confinement was approaching.

限制自由比痛苦更加残忍。Confinement is crueler than pain.

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动物给严密地关了起来。The animals are kept in close confinement.

人比人得死,货比货得扔。To die than people, confinement was thrown.

第二个人是一个月嫂。The second was a so-called "confinement lady."

至于休养,应该和坐月子是一样的。As for rest and confinement should be the same.

所以别人都说坐月子最重要。So people say that the most important confinement.

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你是否正在怀孕期、产期或哺乳期?Are you now in pregnant, confinement or lactation period?

你是对的,但你知道动物产后是否也坐月子呢?But do you know whether the animals are in confinement or not?

在花苞的囚牢里,在甜蜜的缺陷的心里,美微笑着。Beauty smiles in the confinement of the bud, in the heart of a.

问∶食康乐的陪月妇会很大年纪吗?她们是否有经验?How old are the Confinement Ladies in SHL, are they experienced?

被限制在轮椅上不仅让人郁闷,有辱尊严,而且对健康非常不利。CONFINEMENT to a wheelchair is not merely annoying and degrading.

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那监犯被判处单独监禁三个月。The prisoner was sentenced to three months' solitary confinement.

李先生说许是错误关押的极端案例。Mr. Li says Mr. Chen’s is an extreme case of wrongful confinement.

我还偷听到,是我的致过敏能力导致我被关禁闭。I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.

因此当前的长远之计是建造叫做“新安全限制”的装置。Hence the current longer-term plan, called the New Safe Confinement.

该疾病常见于犬只挤堆且封闭的犬舍。It most commonly occurs in dogs in close confinement such as kennels.

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自那时开始的多数时间,纳斯林都是被单独囚禁。Since then Nasrin has spent most of her time in solitary confinement.

单独监禁不涉及任何直接的物质剥夺。Solitary confinement does not involve any direct physical deprivation.

瓦努努在狱中服刑18年,其中11年都是隔离服刑。Vanunu served 18 years in jail, 11 years of it in solitary confinement.