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充分体现烙画独树一帜的艺术魅力。Fully reflects the art of pyrography unique charm.

杨淑林,现居石景山区,葫芦烙画艺人。Yang Shulin is a gourd pyrography artist in Shijingshan District.

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烙画还可以烙在葫芦上,或是其他小物品上,作为小的工艺品。Pyrography is also branded on the gourd, or other small things, as a small arts and crafts.

他的葫芦烙画炫丽多彩、耀眼夺目,给人一种朴实自然的艺术享受。His gourd pyrography is gorgeous and eye-catching, giving people simple and natural art enjoyment.

烙画,又称火笔画,是中国传统画系艺术四绝之一,也是世界珍稀画种之一。Pyrography is an unique traditional form of Chinese Arts and it was also called "Fire Needle Embroidery".

受父亲的影响,女儿也逐渐的爱上了烫画,妻子对丈夫和女儿的爱好大力支持。Influenced by his hobby, his daughter gradually fell in love with pyrography too. His wife greatly supports their hobby.

葫芦烫画是我国传统的烫画技艺中的一种,他已形成自己的风格。Gourd pyrography is one of China's traditional pyrography forms and Zhang Songlin has developed his own style of making them.

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在罗俊德的启发和带动下,他的外甥女和外孙女也开始学习火绘葫芦的技艺。Under his enlightenment and encouragement, his niece and granddaughter have also started to learn the technique of gourd pyrography . Mr.

烙画与油画不同,油画的色彩丰富,有很强的视觉感,而烙画的感觉比较古雅,确实别有一番风味。Pyrography and painting, oil painting rich in color, has a strong visual sense and feeling pyrograph classical comparison, do not really have a flavor.

罗俊德创作作品近千件,绘制内容涉及人物、山水、亭台楼阁、动物、花鸟、草虫等。Luo has created nearly a thousand gourd pyrography works, which display characters, landscape, pavilions, animals, flowers, birds, grass, insects, and other objects.

实验结果表明,该算法所获得的仿真结果图像接近真实葫芦烙画图像效果。The comparison of the proposed method with the Poission image editing algorithm shows that the simulation image effect of the proposed algorithm is closer to the real gourd pyrography image effect.