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朗巴德支付了大部分房款。Lombard paid for most of it.

我们住在伦巴德西街。We were in Lombard street west.

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当我们住在伦巴德西街时,我也有过这样的一套。I had one like that when we lived in Lombard street west.

曲折拐弯的隆巴德街恐怕是世界上最弯曲的街道了。With its twists and turns, Lombard Street is known as the most crooked in the world.

“只要一个运营商接受融合,那么其他运营商将会紧跟其后,”伦巴第说。"As soon as one operator adopts convergence, all the others have to follow, " says Mr Lombard.

菲利普•隆巴德在门把手下面放了一把椅子把门抵住,转过身来长嘘了一口气。Philip Lombard drew a breath of relief as he turned from adjusting a chair under the door handle.

他们还利用这种车穿过了金门大桥和非常著名的旧金山朗伯德街。They also crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and the notoriously steep Lombard Street in San Francisco.

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第一流的三藩市图片。两个男子骑他们的自行车沿着朗伯德街而下,说及城市的弯曲的公共大道。Two men ride their bicycles down Lombard Street, said to be the city's crookedest public thoroughfare.

三藩市狗的生活图片。等待它们的主人从一个窗户偷看在雾城市的狗群,一个高端照料集中在巴德街。Pooches awaiting their masters peek from a window at Fog City Dogs, a high-end care center on Lombard Steet.

一路开下九曲花街的感觉太棒了!可惜同伴只顾自己玩没拍下我开下的镜头实在是遗憾。It was amazing to drive all the way down the Lombard street, definitely one of my most memorable moment of my life.

伦巴第先生觉得能远离人群和她一起坐在火车的最后面真是太甜蜜了。It was delicious, Lombard thought, sitting there with her on the rear platform, out of sight and sound of everybody.

这只是伦巴第街的一部分,弯曲的部分处于海德和利芬沃斯街道之间的俄罗斯山畔。It is only part of the long Lombard Street and the crooked part can be found on Russian Hill between Hyde and Leavenworth streets.

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最有名的街头,伦敦的舰队街,东街,皮卡迪利,白厅,波迈,唐宁街,和伦巴第街。The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street, the Strand, Piccadilly, Whitehall, Pall Mall, Downing Street, and Lombard Street.

交通已经够糟的了,更何况还有双层旅游巴士总在九曲花街挡住人们视线,或是在金门大桥上阻塞交通。Traffic is bad enough without the double-decker tourist buses blocking the view atop Lombard Street or clogging the Golden Gate Bridge.

举个例子,十二到十三世纪之间,意大利的伦巴第银行长期贷款的对象是各种各样的管理者。In the 1100s and 1200s, for example, the Lombard banks in Italy combined trading operations with long-term loans made to various rulers.

伦巴第先生撅起嘴巴吹起了圆舞曲,他们两就像有最好的管弦乐队在伴奏一样地跳了起来。Lombard puckered hlunis lips and struck up the air, and off they went with as much enthusiasm as if inspired by a first-class orchestra.

伦巴第先生被吓了一跳,但他吃惊得发现自己还记着今天下午她拒绝了他。Lombard was a good deal taken aback, but in his surprise he did not forget that this was the young lady who had refused him that afternoon.

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所有迹象表明,保险这个概念是非曲直16世纪左右由意大利的伦巴第商人介绍给伦敦的。All evidence suggests that the concept of insurance was introduced to London by the Lombard merchants from Italy in and around the 16th century.

中国新生代艺术领军人物曹斐,在纽约朗巴德-费雷德画廊举办“玩乐时间”个人作品展。NEW YORK, NY.- Play Time by Cao Fei, one of the key artists of the new generation emerging from Mainland China, opened at Lombard Freid Projects.

驾车到过伦巴第街、穿行过金门大桥、航行在太平洋海岸公路、甚至塔霍湖附近的所有道路。They’ve driven down Lombard Street, crossed the Golden Gate bridge, navigated the Pacific Coast Highway, and even made it all the way around Lake Tahoe.