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画出…的轮廓,画…的略图。Outline a map of North America.

他画了壹张意大利的略图。He drew an outline map of Italy.

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这是故事梗概。迷糊餐馆。This is the outline of the story.

写一篇冗长的课文纲目。Write a quick outline of the text.

你能介绍一个标准的提纲吗?Can you suggest a standard outline?

标语这里,用直尺勾画一座城!Here , using a ruler to outline City!

你可以给我一个解答提纲。You can give me an outline how to solve.

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你先拟个提纲再写。Make an outline before you start writing.

浓雾使飞机轮廓模糊不清。The fog blurred the outline of the plane.

她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图。She pencilled the rough outline of a house.

用一根棉签把轮廓抹花。Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud.

请点击课程名称查看大纲。Click on the course to view program outline.

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第一部分,刑事初查制度概述。The first part is the outline of the system.

我有没有遵循大纲?我有没有落掉什么东西?Did I follow my outline? Did I miss anything?

孩子正在用颜色填一张勾好轮廓的画。The child was coloring in an outline drawing.

这就是弗洛伊德理论的大体框架。This is the Freudian theory in broad outline.

请你介绍一下中国跟萨尔瓦多的关系?Could you outline China's ties with Salvador?

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宣纸泼墨,画笔勾勒出轮廓。Rice paper Chinese ink, brush outline outline.

她在纸上描出自己手的轮廓。She drew the outline of her hand on the paper.

菲茨罗伊船长继续概述他的计划道Capt. FitzRoy continues the outline of the plan