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以往我们天下大乱。When we were lost in chaos and rampage.

打开报纸,你会发现年轻人张狂冲动。Read the newspaper and you'll find youth on the rampage.

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成群结伙的年轻人昨天在城里横冲直撞。Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday.

刹那间,天旋地转,飞沙走石,横冲直撞。Suddenly, dizzy, flying sand and rolling pebbles, rampage.

在美国,这些严重精神疾病患者占据了狂暴杀人犯的半壁江山。They account for about half the rampage murders in the United States.

当枪击事件发生的时候,我正呆在这座城市的另一端。WHEN the shooting rampage happened here, I was on the other side of town.

当他得知他最好的朋欺骗了他时,暴跳如雷。He was on the rampage when he got to know, that his best friend had deceived him.

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这些法师的目的是追捕三大魔王,并终结他们在人间的恶贯满盈和逍遥法外。These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and put an end to their vicious rampage.

加州掌上短暂的夏季最高,为92-95吉普Wrangler,横冲直撞产品。The pocket brief summer "in" California, the top 92-95 Jeep Wrangler Rampage products.

在新版的巅峰战中,围猎战模式会有一个新的机制,叫做毒气云。Thee updated Rampage event will feature a new mechanism in Steel Hunt, called Gas Cloud.

今天早些时候在德国西南部的一所学校发生了一起恶劣的枪杀事件。A school in southwestern Germany was the site of a deadly shooting rampage earlier today.

支您的恐龙横冲直碰碎统统的说、吹火抵章兴碍。Send your dino on a rampage crushing everything in the way and blowing fire at obstacles.

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教徒们在纪念北伊利诺大学枪击案的受害者。Churchgoers are remembering the victims of the Northern Illinois University shooting rampage.

而仅仅几个星期之前,在怀俄明西北,一灰熊攻击了一名登山者并致其死亡。That rampage came just weeks after a grizzly mauled a hiker to death in northwestern Wyoming.

市场先生在十月以前爆跳如雷,但之后却突然收敛了下来。Mr. Market was on a manic rampage until October and then experienced a sudden, massive seizure.

它的狂暴很快被赏金猎人詹戈·费特精准的枪法终结。The creature's trampling rampage was cut short by the marksmanship of bounty hunter Jango Fett.

四月在弗吉尼亚理工学院发生的枪击事件造成了32人和持枪者身亡。The deadly rampage in April on the campus of Virginia Tech left 32 people, and the gunman, dead.

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所以这些低级军官继续有恃无恐,不用担心高级军官对他们的惩罚。So in this case the lower ranks went on a rampage without much fear of discipline from higher up.

四月在弗吉尼亚理工学院发生的枪击事件造成了32人和持枪者身亡。The deadly rampage in April on the campus of Virginia Tech left 32 people, and the gunman, dead.

目击了这一惨案的兵士事后说,凶手的射击连续,有序而且准确。Soldiers who witnessed the rampage described the gunfire as continuous, methodical and well aimed.