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目镜测微计是一个圆形十字格。The ocular micrometer is a circular diameter graticule.

都有黑色的分划线和夜间照明设备。These were to have a black-line graticule and a facility for night illumination.

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大的那个是固定的,它指示武器的射向。The larger graticule is fixed and indicates the direction in which the guns are pointing.

笔者研制了一种具有“度量”功能的基准标尺板,能有效地减小这种比对误差。It may cause error. To prevent these errors, a graticule is made, which can measure accurately.

光线直接穿过一个蚀刻了瞄准标记或者刻度的不透光的金属板。This is directed through an opaque glass plate on which is etched an aiming mark, or graticule.

看到目标后要关闭雷达图像,只留下瞄准分划能被看到。When the target was seen the radar image was turned off, leaving only the gunsight graticule visible.

本文介绍了这种标尺板的制作与临床应用。In this text, the facture and the clinical ap- plication of the graticule will be described in detail.

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文中给出经纬网梯形已知理论面积的算例。In this peper, the cases for the calculation of the known theoretical area of graticule ladder are illustrated.

参考提前量移动分划的正确的位置,还集成有测距设备。This graticule moved to the correct position allowing for deflection, and also incorporated a ranging facility.

巿交管局昨儿个信息,首都快要周祥改写该巿的交通标志、标线。City makes tubal inning yesterday message, beijing is about to revise the traffic sign of whole town, graticule in the round.

在速率3的速率会导致光环消失,再次出现要花一两秒来稳定。Rates of turn above rate 3 cause the graticule to disappear entirely, and on reappearance it takes one or two seconds to settle down.

这通常需要在一个在某个平面一个地球丝网的系统的数学的转换。This generally requires a systematic mathematical transformation of the earth's graticule of lines of longitude and latitude onto a plane.

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它需要一种设备来避免因为撞击使活动光环的位置剧烈改变,从而使机动速率发生改变。It requires some device to damp the violent changes in position of the moving graticule caused by bumps, and alterations in the rate of turn.

当你转动炮塔跟踪目标,陀螺将会根据机动或旋转的速率使活动环滞后与固定环。When you turn your turret to follow a target, the gyro will make the moving graticule lag behind in relation to the rate of turn or rotation.

本课题就是尝试使用纺织工艺实现对片材骨架材料的开发及研制,设计该网格的成型设备。The aim of this devise attempts to present a method of designing the graticule by textile technology, and develops a graticule shaping machine.

这个刻度的像被投射在准直镜头的焦平面上,并且被反射到一个很瞄准者的视线45度角的玻璃屏幕上。The image of the graticule is projected through the focal plane of a collimated lens, and reflected onto a glass screen mounted 45 degrees to the gunner's eye.

在GSJ型相机聚焦成像过程中,通常先用光孔对象,然后再放上分划板照像。In the focusing and imaging process of the GSJ model scanning camera, a light aperture is usually used as an imaging slit and then replaced by a graticule in situ.

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因此,检查的粒子不能改变其初始位置,并且不能与标准粒子叠加。Thereby the particles are not moved from their initial locations within the graticule field of view and are not superimposed on the reference circles for comparison.

这个分划图像有一个棱镜和一组测距镜头投射到风挡玻璃上,还有一个调光电阻安装在仪表板的这个装置附近。The graticule image was projected through a prism and a stadiametric lens system onto the windscreen, and a dimming rheostat was fitted close to the unit on the instrument panel.

这样就能在玻璃屏幕上产生一个瞄准标记,通常是一个圆环中心有个圆点,给射击者一个目标和瞄准标记重叠的清晰镜像。This presents an aiming mark, usually a ring with a central dot on the reflector screen, giving the gunner a clear view of the target with the graticule pattern superimposed on it.