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谷物论蒲式耳出售。Grains are sold by the bushel.

三或四加仑/蒲式耳/年。Three or four gallons per bushel per year.

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谷物猛涨到一蒲式耳七十三美分。Corn shot up to seventy-three cents a bushel.

一点小常识常赛过许多有价值的学识。Ahandful of common sense is worth bushel of learning.

一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning.

少量的常识,当得大量的学问。A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning.

因此他派一个孩子到大克劳斯家里去借一个斗来。Then he sent a boy to Great Claus to borrow a bushel measure.

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我们就把这个叫做“以自己的标准衡量他人,即以己度人。We call this "measuring another's corn by one's own bushel ".

他就亲自拿着斗来见小克劳斯。“你从哪里弄到这么多的钱?”他问。So he went to Little Claus, and took the bushel measure with him.

先生不管怎么成功,他总是不露锋芒,十分谦虚。No matter how successful he is, Mr. B still hides his light under a bushel.

他喜欢含光混世,从来都不炫耀自己的学识。He never shows off his knowledge. He likes to hide his light under a bushel.

可是每次农民收割小麦的时候都有人在这放哨警戒吗?Are there people picketing against farmers every time they cut down a bushel of corn?

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这个新职员是个聪明的数学家,但他喜欢不露锋芒。The new clerk was a clever mathematician but was content to hide his light under a bushel.

因此小克劳斯又得到了一斗钱。店老闆还安葬了他的老祖母,像是安葬自己的亲人一样。So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.

她们不能以自己的名义占有财产或像法律明确规定的那样“签订有关任何价值大于一蒲式尔大麦的东西的契约”。They could not posss property in their own name or, as the law expressly stated "make a contract about anything worth more than a bushel of barley ".

她们不能以自己的名义占有财产或像法律明确规定的那样“签订有关任何价值大于一蒲式尔大麦的东西的契约”。They could not possess property in their own name or, as the law expressly stated "make a contract about anything worth more than a bushel of barley".

嗯,现在让我们来关注一下这个,去年八月份时小麦的价格是1蒲式耳6美元,在短短6个月的时间,它就升了三倍,现在超过18美元。Well, look at this, the price of wheat, for around six dollars a bushel last August. The prices climbed triply in just six months to current prices above 18 dollars.

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联邦政府的政令使2008年美国玉米的百分三十消耗在用玉米制取乙醇上面,也使去年玉米价格超过8美元每蒲式耳,是2005年的三倍。Federal mandates for corn-based ethanol soaked up 30 percent of the 2008 U.S. crop, helping send corn prices over eight dollars a bushel last year—triple the 2005 price.

如果分析一下,他认为埋藏的那部分财宝,只不过是一把真分币和一大堆可观不可及、光亮闪闪的块票而已。If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars.