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但这些抨击似乎从未让盖特纳分心。But the flack never seemed to derailMr.

在这一点上你做了很多宣传么?。Have you copped a lot of flack over this?

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你是否因此受到老板、同事或志愿者团体的批评?Have you gotten flack from managers or colleagues or volunteer groups?

让他们在煎熬中,在你的卧室,你一定要捕捉一些弗拉克。Let them languish in a box in your bedroom and you are sure to catch some flack.

研制基于虚拟仪器技术的高炮随动系统性能检测装置。A test device for flack flowing systems based on virtual instrument technology is developed.

或者孩子难以忍受亲友对其名字的演绎。Or maybe the child has gotten unbearable flack for his or her name from relatives or friends.

我确信我会因为这一点遭到严厉炮轰,但该公司的软件质量已经进到茅坑了。I'm sure I'll get plenty of flack for this one, but the quality of that company's software has gone into the toilet.

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他们常挂在嘴边的宣传不符合传统公认的准则,但知道他们为自己着想所以睡得好。They often catch flack for not conforming to conventionally accepted norms, but sleep well knowing that they think for themselves.

如果你想穿旧T恤和短裤坐在沙发上用力咀嚼多力多滋玉米片,没人会严厉的批评你。If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.

假如你是奥普拉·温弗瑞的粉丝,你就会想起她曾经遭受到的严厉批判,en因为她在非洲出资建立了一所学校。If there are any Oprah Winfrey fans in the house, you'll recall the flack she received after funding and starting a school in Africa.

在你说话,行动以及思考的时候都告诉你的意识,你已经很富有了。删除所有关于。Speak, act, and think from the mindset f being wealthy now. Eliminate thoughts and words flack such as "I can't afford it", "It is too expensive".

体型魁梧、邋遢不堪、带着墨镜、穿着殡仪所的一袭黑衣,菲尼克斯没有为观众表演,也无意于取悦主持人,甚至也没有宣传他的新片,“两个情人”。Beefed up and scruffy-faced, wearing sunglasses and undertaker’s basic black, he didn’t play to the crowd, flatter the host or flack for his latest film, “Two Lovers.”

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很多博客似乎就是和那些超乎自然的积极的公关专业人士不来电,他们为那些试图掩盖他们是被付费而与Digg过招但是结果落败的公关人士的吹嘘感到悲哀。Many bloggers seem just impedance mismatched with the preternaturally positive PR professionals, and woe to the flack who's busted trying to game Digg without revealing that they're paid to do so.