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他是严重的抨击,为这一点,但伊拉斯谟捍卫他。He was severely castigated for this , but Erasmus defended him.

你是否曾经对一个研究伊拉兹马斯的学生的生活好奇过?Have you ever wondered what life is like for an Erasmus student?

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他强烈影响伊拉斯谟赞成教会改革。He was strongly influenced by Desiderius Erasmus in favor of church reform.

在鹿特丹的珀莱东十字架在第一阶段7月4日伊拉兹马斯桥。The peloton crosses the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam during the first stage July 4.

伊拉斯谟和马基雅弗利的书探讨了人类的某些政治问题和弱点。These books of Erasmus and Machiavelli discuss some of man's political problems and weaknesses.

鹿特丹人伊拉斯谟是文艺复兴时期欧洲文化的集大成者,也是“基督教共同体”的捍卫者。Erasmus of Rotterdam was a great master in Renaissance Europe and a defender of Christian Community.

隆盖说,伊拉斯托萨将在“数小时后”启程,视察活动将在下周初结束。Long cap, said Erasmus Tosa in the "after hours" left, inspection activities will end early next week.

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伊拉兹马斯大桥后,我们需要一个真正的摩天大楼欧洲规模的鹿特丹可引以为自豪的。After the Erasmus bridge we are in need of a real skyscraper of European scale of which Rotterdam can be proud.

伊拉玛一脸因惑地跟在后面,他不明白主人为什麽要在这里跟了会面,这是个不寻常的要求。Erasmus followed , his face unable to disguise concern at the master's unusual request for a meeting in this place.

其中的伊拉斯谟女孩会面感到十分高兴的是闽南语,她总是真的实物和尼斯大家觉得她的伟大。One of the ERASMUS girls I met here is taiwanese, she's always really kind and nice to everyone and I find her great.

文艺复兴时期,领导文艺复兴运动的学者,如法国的蒙田和荷兰的伊拉兹马斯都曾把他们读过的书籍编制目录。In the Renaissance, such leaders of the revival of learning as Montaigne and Erasmus made lists of the books they read.

在1516年,荷兰学者依拉姆斯编辑并且发行了第一本希腊文的新约圣经。Then, in 1516, the Dutch scholar Erasmus compiled and published the first New Testament in the original Greek language.

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可知,此硕士学位是由五个主要欧洲新闻业的机构和大学提出的。The Erasmus Mundus Master's degree is brought together by five leading journalism institutions and universities in Europe.

欧盟启动了伊拉斯谟中国窗口项目,招收中国学生和学者赴欧学习、进修。The EU has launched the Erasmus Mundus China strand project which recruit Chinese students and scholars to study in Europe.

鹿特丹伊拉斯莫丹医学中心的卡罗琳·克拉弗发现,15号染色体上的另一段DNA与近视有关。Caroline Klaver, at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, found another strand, also on chromosome 15, linked to short sight.

同时,她还是文艺复兴时期人文主义的支持者,也是著名学者鹿特丹的伊拉斯谟以及圣托马斯莫尔的朋友。She was also a patron of Renaissance humanism and a friend of the great scholars Erasmus of Rotterdam and Saint Thomas More.

比利时中部一行政区,是布鲁塞尔的工业和居民区。伊拉斯谟在57年到52年之间住在这里。人口92,92。A commune of central Belgium, an industrial and residential suburb of Brussels. Erasmus lived here from 57 to 52. Population, 92,92.

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鹿特丹港市伊拉兹马斯大学医学中心的西欧.路易德和他的同事发现了一种方法,不过此方法只适用于女性。Theo Luider, of the Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam, and his colleagues think they have found one—but it works only in women.

而回到家中的父亲也总是给人种种失望——托马斯会关上学习间的门去阅读、写作或与他的荷兰朋友德西德里乌斯•伊拉斯谟③畅谈。And when he comes home, it is always such a disappointment that he shuts his study door to read, write or chat with his Dutch friend, Desiderius Erasmus.

荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学医学部的研究者利用来自于几百个欧洲人的DNA和头发颜色信息,研究了已知能对头发颜色产生影响的基因。Researchers at Erasmus MC in the Netherlands used DNA and hair color information from hundreds of Europeans, and studied genes known to influence hair color.