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它将面临着大批难民的涌入。It faces an influx of refugees.

最近的大量邮件使他情绪低沉。The recent mail influx had depressed him.

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一些医院已经难以应付伤员的大量涌入。Some hospitals are overwhelmed by the influx of injured.

牧民的大量涌入使森林遭到严重破坏。The influx of ranchers caused serious damage to the forests.

并且随着大量信息的涌入,求职者也非常混乱。And with an influx of information comes an influx of confusion.

政府还部署了资金和人力来应对人流的大量涌入。The move authorises funds and personnel to deal with the influx.

但是,考虑到苏里南这样的小国,这种大规模移民是不能够忽视的。But Suriname’s size means that the influx is impossible to ignore.

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大量资金的流入会夸大市场的回旋余地。This influx of money could be exaggerating the market's gyrations.

它们的作用,是调节离子流入细胞的流量。And what they do is they regulate the influx of ions across that cell.

尽管有大量在资金流入,但澳门居民远不满足。Despite the influx of money, many Macau residents are far from content.

移民和难民的涌入让德国社会不堪重负。German communities have groaned under the influx of migrants and refugees.

此外,需要为高铁站在未来几年大量涌出做好准备。Also, get ready for a huge influx of HSR station designs in the coming years.

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这个过程是由一股新的外国资本、理念和人员的流入鼓动起来的。That process was egged on by a new influx of foreign money, ideas and people.

大量的难民把这些国家的资源都消耗了。The influx of the refugees has streched the country's resources to the limit.

让我们为中国教会能维持纯正的信仰来祷告。Let us pray for the influx of cults from abroad and believers being led astray.

现金的涌入与中央集权的权力制造了贪腐机会。The influx of cash, and centralized power, has created opportunities for graft.

纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施,因为他们担心涌入廉价纺织品。Textile workers favored protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.

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优化浇注料,开发喷补料,提高通铁量。Optimizing Castable Materials , Developing Gunning Material , Raising Iron Influx.

大批的难民涌入了沙巴州,这可能引起突急增长的背后原因。The influx of refugees into Sabah may be the reason behind the sharp upward spike.

去往SKY的路上型男索女无数,几乎是每天都是潮人聚会。SKY go the way of countless womenFaso, almost daily influx of people are gathering.