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自杀的前兆是什么?Of the suicide augural what be?

他的说法也许是一个法律诉讼的前兆。His view perhaps is lawsuit of a law is augural.

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这是夏季抑郁症前兆么???。Is this the summer is depressed disease augural ? ? ?

无故流鼻血是白血病的前兆吗?。Is nosebleed of without reason shedding is leukaemia augural ?

身上长红痣了,还会痒,是代表有什么病症前兆吗?Red mole grows on the body, still can itch, be what disease the delegate has augural ?

地震来临之时,自身所表现出来的前兆是什么?When the earthquake comes, is what oneself place expression comes out augural what be?

有业内人士认为,这可能是华友将出售的前兆。The personage inside course of study thinks, this may be Hua You what will sell is augural.

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白带曾多是怀孕的前兆还是月经的前兆?Is leucorrhoea ever more is those who be pregnant augural is still be menstruation augural ?

淋巴肿大怎样会引起什么样的病症,或者说是那些病的前兆?Lymphatic and intumescent can cause what kind of disease, perhaps say be those disease is augural ?

怎么会突然性的出现眼睛看不清楚东西?是青光眼前兆吗?会失明吗?How does the occurrence eye of can abrupt sex see not fair thing? Be glaucoma augural ? Meeting blindness?

早上起来刷牙就流血,是白血病的前兆吗?以前都不会的.55。怕怕。一个星期了。Rise in the morning brush his teeth to bleed, is be leukaemia augural ? Previously won't. 55. Be afraid of. A week.

有没有人经常觉得很凄凉。悲伤。?这算不算抑郁症的前兆?。Have a person to often feel very desolate. Sadness. ? Do this consider what do not calculate depressed disease augural ?

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白血病的前兆有全身浮种这样吗?一运动就全身浮种到底和什么病类似?Of leukaemia augural systemic float is planted such? Is one motion planted after all with respect to systemic float with what disease similar?

前列腺钙化、纤维化是前列腺发生炎症愈合后留下的疤痕,是前列腺结石的前兆。Prostate calcify, fiber is changed is the scar that after inflammation cicatrizations, prostate happening leaves, be prostate stone is augural.

无明显前兆而突然发疹,为针头到绿豆大小扁平充实性丘疹、暗红、紫红或淡褐色。Without rash of apparently augural and abrupt hair, arrive for syringe needle gram size is papula of compressed and contented sex, dark red, amaranthine or ecru.

业界广泛认为,AOL聘用阿姆斯特朗出任CEO为成功之举,可能是全部或部分分拆AOL的前兆。Industry thinks extensively, AOL recruits Armstrong to take up the post of what CEO is a success to lift, the likelihood is all or what tear apart AOL partly is augural.

但与此同时,当下中国移动互联网中隐现的种种挑战,让杨向华切身感受到来自行业的洗牌前兆。But meanwhile, a variety of challenges that the concealed in instantly China mobile Internet shows, make Yang Xianghua personal experience those who come from an industry to shuffle augural.