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在芭堤雅,售货摊挤满了海滨区的道路。Vendors' stalls crowd the beachside road in Pattaya.

我和心爱的她在海边餐馆My lovely Eva and I at a beachside restaurant on Ko Samed.

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学院放假时,我在海滨的一家小餐馆里打工。I worked in a small beachside restaurant during the college vacation.

您可以在餐厅用餐或是在海畔餐厅享用美食。Dine in the on-site restaurant or savour a meal at the beachside restaurant.

TERRACINA是罗马南部的一个外延小镇,拥有非常出名的周末海滩。TERRACINA is a sprawling town south of Rome, popular as a destination for beachside weekends.

日出时分,两个男人在索罗门群岛首府荷尼亚拉的海边市场吃早餐。Two men eat breakfast at a beachside market at sunrise in Honiara, Solomon Islands April 21, 2006.

这家海边小旅馆离危地马拉市只有不到两个小时的车程,就在高速公路边。The small beachside lodge is less than 2 hours' drive from Guatemala City, on modern paved highways.

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一位正在那里度假的利文斯顿居民一股脑地都转述了,说看到肯与他的西班牙情人在海滨共享美餐。A vacationing Livingston resident reported no less than seeing Ken and his Castilian paramour dining beachside.

一个小巧、肤淡的牙买加妇女和她丈夫坐在圣迭戈拥挤的海边冰激凌店里。A petite, light-skinned Jamaican woman sits with her husband in a crowded beachside ice cream shop in San Diego.

布兰妮与男友下榻的酒店是新港海滨酒店,还有一些亲密朋友参加婚礼。The pair stayed at the Newport Beachside Hotel, alongside several other friends who were part of the wedding party.

这永久海滨的家,一个年轻家庭设计的位于一个成立,大量绿树浓荫海岸原生环境。This permanent beachside home, designed for a young family is located in an established, heavily treed native coastal environment.

享受一个真实的文化体验,海滨餐厅的定义,自流商品和了解当地的文化。Enjoy an authentic and cultural experience defined by beachside restaurants, artesian-made goods and an insight into the local culture.

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酒足饭饱,我漫步走回海滩边的别墅,一头躺到床上,一觉醒来,看到棕榈招摇,听到浪声划破珊瑚礁的宁静。Replete, I wandered back to my beachside villa, fell into the bed and woke to a view of waving palms and the surf breaking over the reef.

马尔代夫是世界上最高档的旅游胜地之一,豪华的海滩度假小屋尤其受到蜜月夫妻的青睐。The country is one of the world's most upmarket destinations, its luxurious beachside bungalows particularly popular with honeymooning couples.

春天的佛罗里达成了大学生狂欢的海滨胜地,不过不久之前,这儿还是个人气不怎么高的旅游景点。In springtime, Florida becomes the host of a beachside bacchanal for college students, but not so long ago, it was a relatively low-key tourist destination.

智慧种族康梅人基本都住在海边简陋的草屋里,但他们的上层阶级在面朝大海的悬崖上兴建了银光闪闪的气泡状建筑。The sentient Kon'me lived in simple thatch beachside dwellings, though the upper classes built glistening bubble-like structures within the ocean-side cliffs.

但是,外国人可以享受购买了墨西哥“房地产信托”的一部分,通过它们自己的一个家间接的海滨居者有其特权。But foreigners can enjoy ownership privileges of a beachside home by purchasing part of a Mexican "real estate trust" through which they own a home indirectly.

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日晒后棕褐的皮肤变成了时下流行装扮,图中这个位于佛罗里达圣彼得斯堡的海滨日光浴室,就打者“阳光的健康功效”来招揽生意。Tanned skin had become a fashionable accessory, and beachside sunning booths, like this solarium in St. Petersburg, Florida, touted the healthful effects of the sun.

从特拉维夫海滩的高楼大厦,到耶路撒冷市中心,以色列的房地产需求在很大程度上是由从北非和欧洲来此度假的犹太人带动起来的。From Tel Aviv's beachside high-rise condos to the heart of Jerusalem, much of the demand has been coming from North American and European Jews in search of vacation homes.

我们采取了严密,到波德戈里察曲折的道路,在一个海边的咖啡馆,然后午饭后我们开车最狭窄的道路,几乎周围的村庄和城镇的沿海口单向道路。We followed a tight, winding road into Podgorica and then after lunch at a beachside cafe we drove the narrowest road, almost a one way road around the villages and towns of the coastal inlets.