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这里体现了斐波纳契数列结果。Here the Fibonacci Outgrowth is represented.

小麦根毛的生长和新根的发生也受到了抑制。The outgrowth of root hair and new roots were inhibited.

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这是一种由开源社区塑造的态度。That's an outgrowth of attitudes shaped by the open source community.

这种经历缓慢地培育了他们顽固的保守主义。Their adamantine conservatism is the slow outgrowth of this experience.

团购是非常流行趋的打折商店的副产品。Group buying is an outgrowth of a popular trend here– discount shopping.

如果那些动作是你谈话的自然衍生,那么就一点也不糟糕。Not at all if those motions are a natural outgrowth of what you are saying.

由叶柄或叶基部生长出的变态的叶,为发育产生的外部结构。Stipule A modified leaf found as an outgrowth from the petiole or leaf base.

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阳性克隆培养上清能促进PC12细胞突起生长。The culture supernatant could stimulate the neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells.

组小鼠肺脏和脾脏组织匀浆未见结核分枝杆菌菌落生长。There was no mycobacterial outgrowth in lungs and spleens of mice from A group.

该矿床的形成与晋宁—澄江期构造演化有关。The deposit is the outgrowth of tectonic evolution of the Jinning-Chengjing Period.

我的关于人力资本的书,是我在研究所的第一个研究项目的成果。My book on human capital was the outgrowth of my first research project for the Bureau.

文本自动综述是自动文摘在多文档上的推广。Automatic multi-document summarization is an outgrowth of single document summarization.

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信息通讯网络集团是西门子在电报电话通讯领域的一个分支。Siemens ICN presented a natural outgrowth of Siemens's work in telegraphy and telephony.

这种过程随着技术的自然发展,称为“制表”。The process, as a natural outgrowth of the technology, was called tabbing or setting tabs.

本文研究表明顶端优势的概念可以应用于水稻分蘖芽的向外生长。Here, we show that the concept of apical dominance can be applied to tiller bud outgrowth of rice.

结果氯化甲基汞能抑制PC12细胞突起生长,降低细胞活性。Results Results showed that methylmercury inhibited the neurite outgrowth and survival of PC12 cells.

就中国自身而言,这次索马里行动是该国重返大国地位的自然结果。In China itself, the Somalia mission is seen as a natural outgrowth of its return to great-power status.

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PMEDE项目是由SAPMP项目发展而来的,后者的目的是促进SADC内部高效的地区性电力市场的发展。PMEDE is an outgrowth of the SAPMP, which seeks to promote an efficient regional power market within SADC.

中肾管末端在靠近泄殖腔开口处向背外侧生长出一对盲管,称输尿管芽。The blind tubule formed by the outgrowth appearing at the cloacal end of each mesonephric duct is called ureteric bud.

SEE秘书长杨鹏表示,环保意识的提高是中国发展的自然结果。Yang Peng, SEE's secretary-general, says the growing green consciousness is a natural outgrowth of China's development.