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这孩子正处于易受影响的年龄。The child is at an impressionable age.

白丽莱茜本是个敏感的孩子。Berenice had been an impressionable child.

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难道你真的是想送礼物给容易受感动的孩子吗?Is this really the example you want to set for us impressionable kids?

十分敏感的小公牛,嘴巴有2个大牙齿,年龄一岁半。Very impressionable bull-calf, Mouth contain 2 old tooths , age a years old half.

然而,在这座城市的第一个夜晚,大量的异国情调使一个敏感的成年人颤抖。Yet that first night in the city was exotic enough to thrill this impressionable adult.

一个天性敏感的农民,他的生活比一个天性迟钝的国王的生活更广阔、更丰富、更激动人心。The impressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king.

这个年龄段的孩子缺乏判断力,包括我自己在内的大多数家长都支持特纳校长的做法。They are at an age when they are impressionable and most parents including myself are with Mr Turner.

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但是当时我非常敏感的就是看了这个女孩子,她真的也非常漂亮,那么健康。But my aming very impressionable at that time is to see this girl's son, she was really also very beautiful, so healthy.

这类消费是明星们能为接收力强的年轻人树立良好榜样的一个领域。This kind of consumption is one area in which celebrities could set a conscionable example for impressionable young people.

或者是为了将少年人由鲁迅悲观的反省引向更有朝气与活力的自信。or perhaps to redirect their impressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.

这些仪式开始,以脱敏非常易受影响和害怕青年什么它的像上帝的抵抗军这一件的。Those rituals begin to desensitize the very impressionable and afraid youth to what it's like to be in the Lord's Resistance Army.

这种时候,女孩子的自尊心更加脆弱,拼命地想全副武装,对媒体闪电战最敏感。It's the time when girls have more fragile self-esteem, desperately want to “fit in” and are most impressionable to the media blitz.

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这两位英国哲学家的一点共同之处给这个大学生很深的印象。Little nuggets of simple common sense from these two eighteenth-century British philosophers connected with an impressionable college student.

回顾一下1985年,参议院热衷于对音像产业进行打压,因为它们让不经世事的年轻人接触到性,毒品,摇滚音乐。Back in 1985, the Senate was ready toclobber the music industry for exposing America’s impressionable youngsters tosex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.

他本可以给全世界观看比赛的观众,包括上百万易受感染的年轻人的面前树立一个正面的道德榜样。He could have set a positive ethical example to people watching all over the world, including the many millions who are young and impressionable.

宗教的有无是非常个人的事情,我觉得给涉世未深的年轻人灌输偏执、排他的信仰体系是很不道德的事情。Religion is a very personal matter and I feel it is wrong to indoctrinate kids with a bigoted, exclusive belief system at this impressionable age.

分析中还发现与全国情况差别最大的是,浙江保费收入对政策性因素并不敏感的。The analysis discovers insurance premium revenue of Zhejiang is not impressionable to policy factor, which is best different to countrywide circs.

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但当你收到这样一个邀请的时候别吃惊,因为一场生于美国式的潮流正横扫我们敏感的国度。But don't be surprised if you receive just such an invitation soon, as yet another Born-in-the-USA trend looks set to sweep our impressionable nation.

会出现一种情况,年纪大的,富有的女人的“掠食”可能还无法完全理解其中风险的,非常年轻,易受影响的女孩。We will have a situation where older, richer women are preying on very young and impressionable girls who may not fully appreciate the risks involved.

但另一个重要原因是,我们在很小的时候便第一次尝试看动画片,那时我们无忧无虑,然后动画便永远伴随着我们。But just as important is the fact that we tend to see them for the first time at a very young, impressionable age – and they then stay with us for ever.