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Mukhtar是我的英雄。Mukhtar is my hero.

纳克维是一名穆斯林,也是印度人民党的副主席。Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi is a Muslim and vice president of the BJP.

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今天,文选麦运行在她的Meerwala村里的学校,并致力于促进妇女的权利。Today, Mukhtar Mai runs a school in her village of Meerwala and works to promote the rights of women.

当我问他,在利比亚的新革命中,作为穆赫塔尔的儿子,意味着什么时,他简单的回答道,“我与革命同在。”When I asked him what it meant to be the son of Omar Mukhtar in the time of the new Libyan revolution, he said simply, “I am with the revolution.”

草草审讯之后,奥马尔.穆赫塔尔在瑟鲁克处以绞刑,意大利部队强行要求他所关押的2万囚犯目睹这次行刑。After a quick trial, Omar Mukhtar was hanged in Seluc, in front of twenty thousand of his imprisoned countrymen, whom the Italians forced to watch.

穆赫塔尔和他的队伍在绿山的山谷和岩洞中和意大利周旋了20年,最终在1931年被捕。Mukhtar and his band hid out in the canyons and caves of the Green Mountains for nearly twenty years before the Italians finally caught him, in 1931.

“这是本国斋月里最具特色的一个方面,”坐在餐桌旁的莱麦丹·穆赫塔哈吉如是说。"This is one of the greatest aspects of the fasting month in this country, " said Hajji Ramadan Mukhtar , who took his place beside others on the table.

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反卡扎菲的革命阵营也使用穆赫塔尔做宣传,摄影艺术家把他灰白胡子的影像叠加到以前的利比亚国旗上,印在海报上,贴花里和广告牌上。The graphic artists of the anti-Qaddafi revolution have appropriated Mukhtar as well, superimposing his gray-bearded image over the revived Libyan flag, on posters and decals and billboards.

马克特和其著作合作人在七月份发行的生命科学月刊中写道,茶有益健康,特别是绿茶,只要人们喝绿茶基本上对身体都有好处。Health benefits have been attributed to tea, especially green tea, nearly as long as people have been drinking it, Mukhtar and his co-authors write in the July issue of the journal Life Sciences.

在革命开始的第一天,很多国际的电视频道都播放了一部史诗电影“沙漠之狮”的片段,这部电影讲述了奥马尔·穆卡塔尔率领着英勇的人们反抗意大利殖民统治的历史。During the first days of the revolution, some international tv channels were broadcasting clips of the epic movie 'Lion of the Desert' featuring Omar Mukhtar and his brave men fighting the Italians.