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你的感觉真敏锐!How perceptive of you!

恭喜你,你很敏感。You are very perceptive.

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他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。He is a truly perceptive critic.

他是个独具慧眼的年轻人。He is a very perceptive young man.

他对巴黎的看法并不够透彻。His vision of Paris isn’t perceptive.

我由于微小的细节而有理解力。I am perceptive of the minutest detail.

看来妳得洞察力真是不可限量呢。It appears your perceptive powers know no bounds.

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不知道善于观察的李彼得是否相信了我。Ido not know whether perceptive Peter Lee believed me.

我方的胜利极大地仰仗着他的洞察能力。Our victory depends very materially upon his perceptive power.

这个想法似乎前途,罗森堡是一个敏锐的观察者。The idea seems promising, and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer.

小孩并不笨,他们有极强的洞察力和好奇心。Kid's aren't dumb. They are deadly perceptive and highly inquisitive.

我们的领悟能力变得安静、公平、不贪心。Our perceptive faculties grow quiet, unprejudiced, and unacquisitive.

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大白熊是一种高智商并具有高度洞察力的犬种。The Great Pyrenees is a highly intelligent and very perceptive breed.

女人是很有感知力的,如果你真心喜欢她,她会感觉到的。Women are very perceptive and if you really like her, she’ll feel it.

它自信而专横、缺乏耐心、兴奋并有着敏锐的直觉。It is cocksure, impatient, cold, exciting and instinctively perceptive.

大白熊具有高度的智商和洞察力,并且也非常独立。The breed is highly intelligent and perceptive and also very independent.

周五、周六和周日,你有些领悟,找人聊聊吧。Friday, Saturday and Sunday, you're the perceptive one, getting others to talk.

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哦面露面露哦顽皮鬼祟你是如此敏锐的我不知道你怎么知道。Oh cheeky cheeky Oh naughty sneaky You're so perceptive And I wonder how you knew.

克拉罗总能看透他的员工是否诚实。Clara has always been very perceptive about whether her employees are being honest.

但他们却是,准确无误地知觉与专业人士的信任关系。They are, however, unerringly perceptive of trusting relationships with professionals.