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他的虚夸的言辞并非新鲜。His rhetoric was not new.

两个人针尖对麦芒,言辞激烈。Into a two people, rhetoric.

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然而,所有这些不过是说辞而已。Yet this is all just rhetoric.

这些并非只是豪言壮语。The words were not just rhetoric.

这一章多为冗长的华丽词藻。The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.

她象从前吸着你巧妙修辞的粉笔灰。Inhaled the chalk-dust of your rhetoric.

隐喻是英语中一种常用的修辞手法。Metaphor is one of the rhetoric devices.

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那个煽动者的言论很近似于判逆。The practices or rhetoric of a demagogue.

这种论调正变得越来越强硬。The rhetoric is getting more vituperative.

对照是修辞学中的一个修辞格。Antithesis is a figure of speech in rhetoric.

用修辞手法描述一下这种技术。Think of this technique in terms of rhetoric.

变异修辞亦称常规修辞的偏离形式。Variated Rhetoric is the deviation of rhetoric.

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修辞在广告文体中起着重要作用。Rhetoric plays ani m-portant role in advertisement.

但总的看下来,美联储内部的鸽派声音似乎更强。But, on balance, the dovish rhetoric seems stronger.

中国推卸责任对任何人都没有好处。China's buck-passing rhetoric does no one any favours.

一部分人对于不断趋于强硬的评级辞令持怀疑态度.Some are skeptical of the heightened ratings rhetoric.

为什么不同的客户,销售人员说词千篇一律?Why do different customers, sales staff rhetoric fits?

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语文不及格?正常!你骂人要用修辞手法吗?Chinese failed? Normal! You call names to use rhetoric?

拟作为一种修辞行为,也是一种认知活动。As a rhetoric act, imitation is a cognitive one as well.

在山达基的修辞中,“抑制人”——或者简称S.In the rhetoric of Scientology, “suppressive persons”—or S.