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带有红水果和桑娇维塞特有的酒香。It has Red fruits and characteristic vinous taste.

深深的宝石红,伴随这怡人的葡萄酒的香气。Deep ruby-red coloured with a pleasant vinous bouquet.

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有关葡萄酒的传奇在法国当然就更多了。Concerned vinous legend is in France is more of course.

然而,再没有比大法官约翰·马歇尔更热爱葡萄酒的人。Vinous drink, however, had no greater devotee than Chief Justice John Marshall.

幽雅的酒体中散发着花香和果香。Ruby red, with a delicately vinous nose packed with flowery and fruity sensations.

提取物丰厚、酒性丰满、完美地葡萄酒所具有地特征。Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract, vinous and complete.

细闻之下有些辛辣的野红色水果、矿物、烟草还有烟熏肉的味道。Reduced, vinous nose hints at pungent wild red fruits, minerals, smoked meat and tobacco.

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提取物丰富、酒性饱满、完满的葡萄酒所具有的特征。Body. The character imparted to a wine which is rich in dry extract , vinous and complete.

此酒汽泡细腻非常,口味干爽,散发着浓郁酒香,并夹杂着白柠檬和葡萄花的阵阵芳香。A dry, fine quality wine that has a delicate vinous nose with a lime and vine-blossom attack.

酒体结构——葡萄酒的质量,形容的是葡萄酒表现出来的坚实度和酒体力度。Body- That quality in a wine which gives it the appearance of consistency and vinous strength.

此款玫红气泡葡萄酒独具特色,不仅因为其色泽还与酒的特质有关。Rosé sparkling wines are unique not only because of their color, but also their vinous character.

或许你手中装满葡萄酒的玻璃杯也需要一个歇脚的地方。Probably the place that replete vinous glass also needs a stop on the way for a rest in your hand.

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全部产品畅销世界各地,可以说有喝葡萄酒的地方,就有RIEDEL玻璃杯。Overall product is popular world each district, can say to have drink vinous place, have RIEDEL glass.

皮埃蒙特芭贝尔葡萄酒是在收获之后的春季按照传统的惯例使酒继续维持其新鲜果味和酒的香气。Piemonte Barbera is delivered in springtimeaftertheharvest in order to maintain a fresh flavor and a vinous bouquet.

一般而言,酒农们都用有13年历史的橡木桶来完成葡萄酒的老化过程。Generally speaking, wine farming people complete vinous ageing process with the oak bucket that has 13 years of histories.

淡雅的柑橘和清新的葡萄香气与发酵后的乳脂味道持续平衡。Subtle citrus and fresh vinous fruit character on the nose follow through onto the palate with a slight toasted yeastiness.

既然是葡萄酒的一种形式,那么葡萄的产区至关重要。干邑地区共有6个葡萄产区。Since be vinous a kind of form, so grapy produces a division crucial. Dry city district shares 6 grapes to produce a division.

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雅致,无花果和黑樱桃伴随着玫瑰花香,完美的回味以及完整细腻的橡木味道使得酒体更加的醇厚。Elegant and fruity, blackberry with floral notes such as rose. Vinous and full-bodied with lovely length and well-integrated oak.

“那好吧,朋友,没关系,”赫克斯特先生说,他一向开诚布公,胸无城府,现在由于酒后兴奋,更比往常亲热得多。"Well, old fellow, never mind, " said Mr. Huxter, who, always Frank and familiar, was from vinous excitement even more affable than usual.

该品种的葡萄气候变化的忍受力很小,太冷或者太热都会导致酒平淡或者酒气过重。This grape's varietal character has little tolerance for weather that is either too cool or too warm and bland, simply vinous wine will result.