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我在吮吸你。I was sucking you.

他把我的“球”吸去了。He is sucking up my ball!

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婴儿在吮乳。The baby is sucking milk.

她的宝宝因吸不出奶大哭起来。Her baby cried for sucking.

他是靠吹吹拍拍爬上去的。He got ahead by sucking off.

它不能停止对碳纳米管的吞入。It can't stop sucking it in.

别舔着吃冰淇淋。Stop sucking your ice-cream.

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她看着她的宝宝吃奶。She looked at her baby sucking.

这个婴儿正在吮手指。The baby was sucking his thumb.

我张开嘴大口地吸气。My mouth was open, sucking in air.

他总是对老板阿谀奉承。He's always sucking up to the boss.

这种含片怎么服?How do It take the sucking lozenges?

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我们的宝宝喜欢吮吸她的小拳头。Our baby liked sucking her small fist.

埃玛俯身给小东西喂奶。Emma bent over the little sucking mite.

他老在旅馆这儿转悠,想要干什么?What's he sucking around the hotel for?

包括吮吸,咀嚼等活动。Everything is sucking and chewing and so on.

寻觅,吸吮和吞咽,喷出反射。Rooting, Sucking and Swallow, Extrusion Reflex.

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这挺有趣儿的,他们讨好你。And it's kind of fun. They're sucking up to you.

她正用吸管咕嘟咕嘟地喝牛奶。She was noisily sucking up milk through a straw.

它们应用了一种吮吸的方法And what they did was they used a sucking method.