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翻译“我在青石板路上等你!”。I wait you at a black flagstone !

刀没有落到石板的地面上。The knife did not drop to the flagstone floor.

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另一位房主建立了一个石板的天台,忽略他的瀑布。Another homeowner built a flagstone terrace that overlooked his waterfall.

因为你不能得到具体石板将作为夹具看到谜。You can't get specific because the flagstone will act as a jig saw puzzle.

这些都是最低人数时铺设石板干施工步骤。These are the minimum number of steps when laying flagstone by dry construction.

那个作为她栖息地的水盆则放在一条圆形古板路的突出位置。The birdbath that was to be her resting place was highlighted with a circular flagstone path.

我和黛安娜沿着一条石板路走下去,路边一小丛丁香花正赤裸裸地等待着寒冬的到来。Diane and I followed a flagstone path down the side past a hedge of miniature lilacs that stood naked for winter.

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金钢窗,条石墙,看窗外世事变幻,感人生浮华万象。Throughdiamond windows flagstone wall, you can seevaried occurrences of theworldand have everyfeelingofhuman life.

我发现自己在一个古老的寺庙里,我是一个男人,跪在一个巨大柱子旁的一个巨大的石板上。I found myself in an ancient temple. I had the body of a man. I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars.

我走过青石板路旧街小巷,雨落瓦檐响成美丽的歌谣,可是和小伙伴最爱唱的那首?I walk down the old street of flagstone road, rain drops make a beautiful tune, but which is the best that I sing with my friends?

街道两边超过200家商店,正如当初建造的一样一条石板人行道,东西走向大约1000米。Flanked by over 200 stores, Laojie runs for about 1000 meters east to west on a flagstone pavement just like when it was first built.

渣济多古桥、古巷,还有据说是全国古村落中最长的石板路。Zhaji is famous for a lot of ancient bridges and lanes, it is said that the national longest flagstone road of ancient villages is here.

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我们可以提供自然分裂摊铺机,板岩,砂岩,石英制品等石板垫,摊铺机上的网格,鹅卵石等。We are able to provide natural split pavers , slate, sandstone, quartzite products, etc. Flagstone mats, pavers on mesh, cobblestone, etc.

他的体重应该不会超过150磅,但是在院子里干活的时候,我几乎抬不动那些大块的石板,他却能把它们移来移去。He couldn’t have weighed more than 150 pounds, but while working in his yard he carried around big chunks of flagstone that I could hardly lift.

借着微弱的灯光,我可以看到在我的上面有华丽的方格天花板。I was kneeling on a huge flagstone near one of the great pillars. By the faint light of lamps I could see an ornate coffered ceiling high above me.

但我会记着的。记着你如何拉着我的手。当我赤着脚踝。踩在长着翠绿苔藓的。青石板路。Nevertheless, I'll fix it in my mind how you held my hand, when I was traipsing , barefoot, on the flagstone walkway touched with hints of emerald moss.

我们转向左边来到入口,入口用花色的砂岩铺设得很好,而且在花色砂岩上有间隔开的青铜印字。We turned left into the entranceway , which is nicely paved in sand colored flagstone and the discrete sign is simple bronze lettering on sand colored stone.

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这些妇女现在正在索默塞西边的酿酒厂受训,从事酒的艺术制造、出产和行销,还有酿酒管理等。The women are now being trained at the Flagstone Winery in Somerset West in the art of wine making, production and marketing as well as management of a winery.

寺庙朝南坐落在山谷中,寺前五十米处有一石板桥,是雁荡山现留唯一的一条宋桥。The temple locates in the valley facing the south. There is a flagstone bridge of 50 meters in front of the temple, which is the only bridge made in Song Dynasty.

老实说,寨子非常简陋,甚至有些寒酸,一条青石小径串起一座座掩映在翠竹中的木屋。To tell the truth, the village was extremely simple and crude, and even somewhat shabby. A blue flagstone trail linked the log cabins shaded in the green bamboos.