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你是喜欢下雪天还是喜欢晴天呢?Snowy or sunny?

整天都是大晴天。Are big sunny day.

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既炎热又阳光。Both hot and sunny.

这是一个艳阳天。It was a sunny day.

整天都是大晴天。It is sunny all day.

多么酷热的艳阳天啊!What a hot, sunny day!

我在阳光学校学习。I study at Sunny School.

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明天是个好天吧。It'll be sunny tomorrow.

今天是个大晴天,阳光明媚。Today is a sunny, sunny.

春天是温暖又阳光灿烂的。Spring is warm and sunny.

我是说,真是晴空万里。I mean, it's really sunny.

那是一个天高气爽、阳光明媚的日子。It is a bright, sunny day.

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今天天气很好,很晴朗。It’s nice and sunny today.

他们住在向阳的屋里。They live in a sunny room.

但是妈咪,今天是大晴天!But Mommy, it's sunny today!

睇晒真系笑死我啦…See sunny real laugh die me.

但如果天气晴朗的话,来这里看看也不错。But it's nice on a sunny day.

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桑妮喜不喜欢恐怖电影?。Does Sunny like horror movies?

秋天总是阳光灿烂、凉风习习。Fall is always sunny and cool.

不要再犹豫了,选择桑尼吧!No doubt chooses Sunny School.