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我指了指那条狗。I pointed to the dog.

他指着楼下的大厅。He pointed down the hall.

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他把她指出来让我看。He pointed her out to me.

它的一端是尖的。It is pointed at one end.

她指向那墓穴。She pointed at the grave.

它是目的明确的。It's pointed and purposeful.

他给我削铅笔。He pointed the pencil for me.

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女仆笑着用手指了指。The maid laughed and pointed.

纳斯雷丁指着井说。Nasreddin pointed to the well.

她优美地踮起双脚。She pointed her toes daintily.

哇!你看那双尖头靴!Wow!Look at those pointed boots!

这次他用手指了一下那个湖。This time he pointed to the lake.

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卡洛琳在任务进行中就指出了这一点。Carolyn pointed this out mid-task.

象上节课有人指出的。like people pointed out last class.

他指了指村子所在的方向。He pointed to where the village lay.

我的头上有两根尖锐的角。I have two pointed horns on my head.

美甲的时候,我指向一瓶暗红色的OPI瓶子。I pointed to the dark red OPI bottle.

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穿着他的尖头鞋和他的铃铛。With his pointed shoes and his bells.

他嘴唇上有一排胡子,下颔蓄着一撮山羊须。He had a mustache and a pointed beard.

他费力的指向枕头下面。He pointed under the pillow arduously.