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红脸奥森·斯通同麻杆儿路西弗·郎恩都称自己是骑士。Red-faced Orson Stone claimed to be a knight as did lanky Lucifer Long.

马奇亚维利的武装先知,不只是一位歹徒,一如,Orson,Welles,之属。Machiavelli's armed prophet is more than just a gangster, like Orson Welles in that part.

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奥森威尔斯扮演阿克曼,威尼斯学者,在这马可波罗的冒险全明星生产的作用。Orson Welles plays the role of Akerman, a venetian savant, in this all star production of Marco Polo's adventures.

你们要读奥逊·威尔斯的材料,那一章78页,里面会提到3个哲学电影制作人,威尔斯是我最崇拜的英雄。And you'll be reading in 3 philosophical film makers a 78-page chapter on Orson Welles who is one of my great heroes.

事实上,奥逊·威尔斯对影片拥有绝对权利,即使特纳想为本片上色,他也不一定真的会如愿以偿。In actuality, Orson Welles had the rights to the film, and Turner couldn't have colorized the film even if he had wanted to.

当然,除了那份足以媲美奥逊·威尔斯的好莱坞履历外,沃伦·比蒂更骄人的战绩都留在了弹簧床上。More spectacular than a Tinseltown résumé that would humble Orson Welles are the star’s legendary exploits on the bedsprings.

后来,奥逊·威尔斯表示他非常后悔将玛丽恩·戴维斯描写成“苏珊·亚历山大”那样,因为戴维斯是一个非常好的女人。Orson Welles later said that he regretted the way Marion Davies was portrayed as "Susan Alexander" and that Davies was a wonderful woman.

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其中由,Orson,Welles,扮演的,一位活跃于维也纳的黑市勾当,生计主要是靠在黑市中,从事非常卑鄙的交易。One of them, played by Orson Welles, is in a black market racket in Vienna and is making a living doing something very bad in the black market.

另外,这个角色还装死,只有其同谋,知道他仍然活着。Orson Welles I should say the Orson Welles character has also faked his death, so no one except his immediate conspirators knows he's still alive.

如果说威廉·吉布森是赛博朋克科幻小说之父,那么奥森·斯科特·卡德就是确定现代科幻小说写作方向的“现代声音”。If William Gibson is the father of Cyber-punk science fiction, then Orson Scott Card is the modern voice that set the direction of modern science fiction.

有趣而嘲讽的是,开会的场所离位于战后维也纳的奥森·威尔斯的黑色电影拍摄场地只有几步之遥。In a lovely ironic touch, the conference hall is only a few steps from the Ferris wheel in the Orson Welles film noir classic set in postwar Vienna, “The Third Man.”

吉奥森对我不满的原因可能是上半场就快结束了,在他看来,等半场结束再换他也不迟。Lucky Orson possibly was the first half quickly had finished to my discontented reason, in his opinion, and so on half-court conclusion traded him not to be late again.

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自从1938年奥森威尔斯播出讹称火星人入侵美国新泽西州的广播剧「世界大战」后,吓唬大众几乎一直是王道。Scaring the public has been pretty much the name of the game ever since Orson Welles broadcast "War of the Worlds, " a fake newscast about a Martian invasion of New Jersey, in 1938.

从美籍作者奥森?斯科特卡德数年来拒绝翻拍小说的态度,到新片上映前卡德因反同言论而引发的争端,该片可谓噱头十足。From US author Orson Scott Card's refusal to sign the film deal for years, to the film's pre-release controversy thanks to Card's anti-gay views, there are plenty of reasons to watch it.

科幻作家Orson,Scott,Card写了一个短故事,该故事的主旨是,在宇宙的所有生命形式中,我们,在地球上是唯一终有一死的生命。There's a short story by the science fiction writer Orson Scott Card, where the basic point of the story is that of all the life forms in the universe, we, here on Earth, are the only ones that are mortal.

剩下的呢,就是我们所看到的,没有给奥森·威尔斯施展,他技艺的空间,所以翻拍版很好玩,这也是为什么我用许多页来,在我那一章中讨论此事。And the rest, what we see of the rest, is nowhere in the classroom for Orson Welles in terms of technique. So that remake is interesting and that's why I spent the pages discussed it in my chapter. But it's not a competitor.