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普丽赛,普丽赛,来把那只母牛绑起来!Prissy , Prissy , come tie up this cow!

买了她和她的小女儿百里茜。Bought her and her little wench, Prissy.

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噢。我也要走,普丽赛,收拾好我的行李,快点把它们拿来!Oh. I'm going, too. Prissy , go pack my things. Get them, quick!

她现在住在查尔斯顿,不过波克和百里茜都还在塔拉……She's living in Charleston now. But Pork and Prissy are at Tara.

终于她看见百里茜沿大街匆匆走过来,于是把半个身子探出窗外。At last she saw Prissy coming down the street at a quick trot and she leaned out of the window.

美德,直到最近的复兴运动之前,一直都显得老旧,甚至在当代人耳里变得拘谨又烦人。Virtue, until its very recent revival, has sounded old-fashioned or even prissy to our modern ears.

百里茜很不情愿从马车上爬下来,一路嘟囔,跟着思嘉胆怯地向那条林荫道走去。Prissy climbed reluctantly from the wagon with many groans and timorously followed Scarlett up the avenue.

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在一次媒体访问中,布鲁表示维果会“喋喋不休地聊着关于精灵的事,说他们都如何修指甲,如何梳理长长的金发,又说精灵老是神经兮兮的。”In an interview, Bloom said Viggo would "go on about elves, and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy ."

思嘉给媚兰端来早点之后,即刻打发百里茜去请米德太太,接着便和韦德一起坐下来吃早餐,但是,她似乎生气第一次没有什么食欲。After sending up Melanie's breakfast tray, Scarlett dispatched Prissy for Mrs. Meade and sat down with Wade to eat her own breakfast. But for once she had no appetite.

显然,至于Neato,我从未给Neato描述一副图画,但他的小蝴蝶领结,和谨小慎微的,“哦,我不想弄脏自己“,他只是一群同性恋的典型。Obviously, Neato--I've never drawn a picture of Neato but with his little bow tie and his prissy "Oh, I don't want to get dirty" he's just a bundle of gay stereotypes.