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他只是反英雄剧集的密谋增长的一个噱头。He's the poster boy for a growing cabal of TV anti-heroes.

然后我想卡瓦尔和被遗忘的具有独特的建筑和单位。And then I want Cabal and Forgotten has unique building and unit.

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犯罪团伙企图通过抬高食品及石油价格来进行反击。The cabal tried to counter this by jacking up food and oil prices.

阴谋集团的诸多派系开始意识到自己的气数将尽。Various factions of the Cabal are beginning to realize that the end is near.

奥巴马仅仅是一大群喜欢喝啤酒的世界领导人当中的一员。Obama is just one member of a large cabal of world leaders who love a good beer.

此外,随其年龄的增长,雄性与雌性间的死亡率差距也会逐渐扩大。Furthermore, the older they got buy cabal alz, the bigger the mortality gap became.

在90年代后期,阴谋集团曾在火星和月球上有着强大的势力,但现在他们失去了。The Cabal had a strong influence of Mars & the Moon in the late 90'??s and they lost that.

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这个星期产生了很多有趣的事情,来自本杰明的呈文。阴谋集团的覆灭在继续。There is much interesting reading this week from "the Benjamin". The cabal demise continues.

相反,女性从小接受的教育就是可以把情绪表现出来。Women, on the other hand buy cabal online alz, are often taught that it's OK to be emotional.

如果有争议对于战胜阴谋集团对于揭露的抵抗,这肯定就是它。If there ever was an argument for overcoming cabal resistance to disclosure, surely this is it.

目前,英美黑暗势力联盟之间正在加剧分裂。Presently, the schisms between various components of the Anglo-American dark cabal are intensifying.

半条命就是一款出色的游戏,它的设计者就是应用了这个方法。The designers of Half-Life, a truly excellent game, used a process like this, dubbed the cabal process.

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整个世界不再接受美金或者欧元,在种族灭尽黑暗团体的控制下由银行印刷出来。The world is no longer accepting dollars or Euros printed by banks under the control of the genocidal cabal.

这周的周刊本告诉更多持续发生在之前统一的阴谋集团结构体系中的冲突和分裂。This week's weekly Ben tells of more conflicts and divisions going on in the formerly unified cabal structure.

对这可能的内部交易事件调查,如果踪迹指向阴谋集团成员,我毫不讶异。It would not surprise me if the investigative trail in this probable insider trading case led to cabal members.

我猜想拉什林保很忙,所以他们只能找来共和党阴谋团队的第二号热门人物来应应急。Well, I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy, so they trotted out the next-most-popular member of the Republican cabal.

世界上最保守的科学机构在某种程度上已被魔化成了由大喊大叫的煽动家们组成的阴谋集团。The world’s most conservative scientific body has somehow been transformed into a cabal of screaming demagogues.

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我们需要能够把自己的感觉和信息传达给那些与我们一起生活、一起工作和相亲相爱的人们。We need to be able to get our feelings and messages across to those with whom we live cabal online alz, work and love.

男性和女性在与伴侣和朋友的交流上存在不同,造成这种现象的原因根深蒂固。There are deeply rooted reasons why men and women communicate differently with their partners and friends buy cabal alz.

这种想法认为全部并非表面看到的那样,即一小撮权势之人掌控着伴随着我们的世界事件的发生。The idea that all is not as it seems, that a small cabal of powerful people control world events has always been with us.