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黑人区需要取得合法地地位,这只是一个开始。The ghetto wanted legitimation. That was a beginning.

黑人区需要取得合法的地位,这只是一个开始。The ghetto wanted legitimation. That was a beginning.

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他父母随后的结婚令他的身份得以合法化。His parents'subsequent marriage resulted in his legitimation.

假如在中国允许“同性恋结婚”,你怎么看?What do you think of the legitimation of "homosexual marriage" in China?

第四章,系统论证了利奥塔对知识危机的重建。The forth chapter estimates the rebuild of the legitimation of knowledge.

因此这些管制的合法化就变成了争论的议题。Therefore, the legitimation of these regulations becomes an arguable issue.

一言以蔽之,当代人文知识分子的合法性出现了危机。In a word, the legitimation of contemporary intellectual has headed into a crisis.

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这是出生或,如果我们喜欢将它命名为如此,合法化。This was the birth or, if we prefer to call it so, the legitimation of Gallicanism.

知识合法化问题的实质就是知识的基础问题。The essence of legitimation of knowledge is the question of foundation of knowledge.

合法化是意义的「次级秩序」客观化过程。Legitimation as a process is best described as a 'second-order' objectivation of meaning.

科学技术此时充当了新的合法性基础并行使意识形态的功能。Science and technology becomes the new legitimation basis and performs the function of ideology.

承认一人公司是世界公司制度的发展趋势。The legitimation of one-man company is the trend of the development of the global company regime.

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非法人体育社团面临着社会合法性与法律合法性的冲突。Unincorporated sports community face the conflict between socialist legality and legal legitimation.

我们应当在简易程序正当性的基础上构建适宜的行政诉讼简易程序。We should construct a proper one in our administration litigation on the basis of legitimation of simple procedure.

目的探讨胃左动脉区域灌注化疗治疗胃癌的合理性。Objective To evaluate the legitimation of left gastric regional arterial infusion chemotherapy in the treatment of gastric carcinoma.

正当化的功能是为了使已经制度化的「第一顺位的」客体化在客观上有效,并在主观上可信。The function of legitimation is to make objectively available and subjectively plausible the 'first-order' objectivation that have been institutionalized.

文章认为,大力开发与维护合法性资源是弭患合法化压力的关键。It is supposed in this article that the key issue to ease pressures on the construction of legitimation is to exploit and maintain the legitimate resources.

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根据多元性容许差异性,放弃共识和普遍性,通过谬误推理,才能使知识重新合法化。He believe only through"Language Games"rule, permitting the existence of difference, giving up consensus by paralogy, the legitimation of knowledge can be rebuilt.

中国早期经典已强调了复仇道德、政府角色、复仇合法性以及尚未成熟的仲裁形式。Early Chinese classics have emphasized on the phases of the moral of revenge, the role of government, the legitimation of revenge and the primitive arbitration form.

媒体对“新诗”的热烈响应和“新诗”在中学的广泛传播,也是外部话语空间合法性成果的重要体现。Besides, the hot response of the media to the "New Poetry" and the widespread of the new style in middle schools are the two significant achievements of the legitimation pursuit.