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索德柏立富勒烯里的氦气同位素组成,与某些陨石、彗尘中的一样。The Sudbury fullerenes contained helium with compositions similar to some meteorites and cosmic dust.

巴恩斯17岁的时候为萨德巴里科特踢球,泰勒给他机会成为沃特福德预备队队员。Barnes was 17 and playing for Sudbury Court when Taylor gave him a chance in the Watford reserve team.

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巴达与我于1994年一听说这个发现,就请波里达检验我们在索德柏立找到的富勒烯。As soon as Bada and I became aware of this discovery, in 1994, we asked Poreda to examine our Sudbury fullerenes.

我注意到,萨德伯里山谷学校的学生,他们没有任何强加的课程,长大以后也不停止这种游戏。I've noticed that students at Sudbury Valley, who are free of any imposed curriculum, don't stop such play as they grow older.

而在萨德伯里盆地的加森矿,已在采用深孔崩矿的膏体充填体下进行试采。At the Garson Mine in the Sudbury basin, an instrumented test opening has been mined under a paste backfil1ed blast hole stope.

这些大型富勒烯与索德柏立的富勒烯一样,都藏有源自太空的氦、氖、氩。Like their smaller counterparts from the Sudbury crater, these larger structures contained extraterrestrial helium, neon and argon.

敬请参加这次精彩展览,了解为什么安大略北部,特别是萨德佰市是北美的矿业和工业首都。Be part of this exciting show and see why Northern Ontario and in particular Sudbury is the mining and industrial capital of North America.

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北湾市加拿大安大略东南的城市,位于萨德伯里东南偏东尼比斯英湖上。是木材和矿区的商业中心。人口51,268。A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Nipissing east-southeast of Sudbury. It is a trade center in a lumber and mining region. Population, 51, 268.

在其严重程度,损害的科拉半岛等于环境灾难所造成的萨德伯里镍和铜冶炼厂在加拿大安大略省。In terms of its severity, the damage in the Kola Peninsula equals the environmental catastrophe caused by the Sudbury nickel and copper smelters in Ontario, Canada.

萨德伯里得天独厚,是城市生活与自然环境完美融合的混合体,它文化多元,英语是其主要语言,同时法语也被广泛应用。Sudbury is an ideal blend of urban life and natural environment. It is a multicultural city, where English is the main language and French is spoken widely in the population.

萨德佰即将由政府规划为“采矿集群中心”,当地的经济活动和采矿及服务业也将增加曝光。Sudbury is about to be designated a "Mining Cluster Centre" by the government which will increase economic activity and well as exposure for mining services and products in this area.

在萨德伯里和韦兰中间的河段,草场最为宽阔,当它们被水漫过时,便形成一连串美丽的弥漫著春之气息的浅水湖泊,成为大批鸥鹭与野鸭的栖息地。Between sudbury and wayland the meadows acquire their greatest breadth and when covered with water they form a handsome chain of shallow vernal lakes resorted to by numerous gulls and ducks.

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在萨德伯里和韦兰中间的河段,草场最为宽阔,当它们被水漫过时,便形成一连串美丽的弥漫着春之气息的浅水湖泊,成为大批鸥鹭与野鸭的栖息地。Between Sudbury and Wayland the meadows acquire their greatest breadth, and when covered with water, they form a handsome chain of shallow vernal lakes, resorted to by numerous gulls and ducks.