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她是一个泼妇。She is a shrew.

你是一个泼妇。You are a shrew.

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人们叫她泼妇。People called her shrew.

没人愿意和一个粗俗的泼妇结婚。No one wants to marry a vulgar shrew.

他发现自己跟一个俗不可耐的悍妇结了婚。He found himself married to a vulgar shrew.

那个本来挺和蔼的女孩结婚后成为了一个泼妇。The nice girl he had married grew into a shrew.

泼妇站在门口,不停地嫚骂。The shrew stands at the door and keeps shouting abuse.

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北美洲鼩鼱,尾巴比其身体的一半还短。North American shrew with tail less than half its body length.

用氯前列烯醇对雌性树鼩进行了诱发发情试验。The possibility of inducing estrus of Tree Shrew was explored using cloprostenol.

中缅树鼩体温与冷驯化时间呈显著负相关。The body temperature of tree shrew was negative correlation to the cold acclimated time.

聪明的慧娘想出了一个卖纸的好办法,告诉丈夫依计行事。Mrs. Hui, being a shrew and clever woman, got an idea of how to sell the papers they've made.

对树鼩卵母细胞的体外成熟、体外受精和胚胎体外培养进行了尝试。Methods for the in vitro maturation and fertilization of ChineseTree Shrew oocytes were investigated.

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结果表明,本实验条件下树鼩可以正常生长发育和繁殖后代。Results indicate that the Chinese Tree Shrew can grow and breed normally in our experimental conditions.

黑红褐色巨象鼩躲进栖所,拒绝外出接收下午的喂食。The black-and-rufous giant elephant shrew hid in his habitat and refused to come out for afternoon feeding.

用尼氏染色法,对树鼩脑干中缝核的细胞构筑进行了研究。The cytoarchitecture of the raphe nuclei of the brain stem in the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's method.

这泼妇丧命了,我们再也不用被这几周里捆在脖子上的累赘拖累了。As the shrew has perished, we are no longer bound by the anchor that has hung around our necks these last weeks.

树和许多温带野生哺乳动物一样,属于季节性繁殖的动物。Just as many other mammals living in temperate zone, tree shrew belongesto photosensitive seasonally breeding-mammals.

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本文用尼氏染色法,对树鼩颈段脊髓灰质的细胞构筑进行了研究。The cytoarchitectonic organization of the cervical spinal cord of the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's stain method.

结论新生树鼠句能够长期感染HBV,并且HBV能够在树鼠句体内稳定复制和长期存在。Conclusions Neonatal tree shrews can be infected with human HBV. HBV can replicate inside the liver cells of tree shrew.

本文用尼氏染色法,对树鼩胸段脊髓灰质的细胞构筑进行丁研究。The cytoarchltectonic organization of the thoracic spinal grey matter in the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's method.