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手榴弹看到你会自爆。Grenade self you will see.

一颗手榴弹把他们炸得粉身碎骨。A grenade blew them both to bits.

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他将手榴弹呈圆弧形地抛进敌人的战壕。He looped the hand grenade into the enemy trench.

上周,特纳勋爵给争论中投下一枚炸弹。Last week Lord Turner threw a grenade into the debate.

临近结束时,它的榴弹的垃圾邮件了过分。Towards the end, it's Grenade spamming gone overboard.

五秒钟引线的手榴弹一般三秒钟就爆炸。An five-second grenade fuses will burn in three seconds.

德国人的手榴弹夺走了他左手的三根手指。A German grenade had taken three fingers off his left hand.

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士兵将一枚手榴弹呈弧形抛进敌方掩蔽壕里。The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.

当「保险拴」拉掉后,「手榴弹先生」将不再是我们的朋友。When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer our friend.

所有号称可燃烧5秒的手榴弹引线都会在3秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three second.

所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.

所有用时五秒烧完的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.

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射击敌人手中的燃烧瓶,手榴弹或者手雷。Shoot an enemy Molotov cocktail, dynamite stick, or hand grenade.

一次在法国卡昂附近的夜晚巡逻中,我被德国的手榴弹炸瞎了双眼。I was blinded by a German grenade during a night patrol near Caen.

在丛林中,我们用手榴弹和轻机枪挣扎着。We fought with them with grenade and sub-machine gun in the jungle.

第七,所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。Rule7. All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.

一个40毫米榴弹发射器,和一挺7.62毫米EX34链式机枪,外加2000发子弹。Or one 40mm grenade launcher &a 7.62mm EX34 chain gun with 2000 rounds.

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手雷蓝图解锁放置到30级,并且不再需要水晶制作。Grenade Engram moved to level 30, & no longer requires Crystal to craft.

计划与羊,圣手榴弹和香蕉炸弹的袭击!Plan your attacks with the Sheep, Holy Hand Grenade and the Banana Bomb!

就落在我脚边的那颗手榴弹嘶嘶地冒着白烟,可它并没爆炸。The grenade just near my foot hissed white smoke, but it didn't explode.