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这是一种奖励。Just a little incentive.

然后,嘣,另一个动机。Then, boom, another incentive.

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谁有偏差的可能性Who has an incentive to deviate?

这里面还有一个税收激励因素There's a tax incentive to do that.

没有人想要偏离这一点Neither has any incentive to move away.

论文还重点探讨了知识型人力资源的激励问题。We also focus on the incentive in KIBS.

有,我们有创新的鼓励政策。We have incentive plans for innovations.

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你有过量捕鱼的动机You might have an incentive to over fish.

赫维茨的伟大观点被称为“激励相容”。His big idea was " incentive compatibility".

股票期权属于长期激励。Stock options belong to the long-term incentive.

税率统一,这样各方才有动机。Rate set uniformly, so incentive for game-playing.

现在你知道海辉的期权激励计划是在激励谁了吧?Now all of you know who this incentive plan is for?

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在许多职业中,钱仍是主要的鼓励因素。Money is still a major incentive in most occupations.

注意这奖励金,是一个时间发放。Note that this incentive payment is a one time grant.

因此他们投机取巧不断放出不良贷款So, they had an unfortunate incentive to make bad loans.

这种情况下,他们有一种内在动力去保持中立。Thus, they have a built-in incentive to sit on the fence.

其内在的激励机制是什么?。What is the internal incentive mechanism of group lending?

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其次,本文对激励性规制作了系统介绍。Secondly, this paper fully introduces incentive regulation.

激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。Incentive piecework system is suited for production workers.

为什么呢,因为大家都想偷懒Why? Because each individual might have an incentive to shirk.