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漫山遍野间有朵朵的落花。Flowers that suffuse and fall.

让这个感觉充满你整个身体。Let it suffuse your entire body!

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你全身那么多纯洁的光线!How rays of pure light suffuse you!

黄昏时天空映满色彩。At twilight, the sky is suffuse with color.

更好的方式依旧是灌输你的爱充满任何的地方而不给任何负面下流的能量机会。Better still pour your love out to suffuse any chance of negative energies turning nasty.

按照渗透越南人民生活的佛教和儒家的观点,当下和未来才是重要的。In Buddhism and Confucianism, which suffuse Vietnamese life, the present and future are prized.

甘美的、挑逗鼻孔的香味浸透了厨房,弥漫到屋子里,又随着一阵阵炊烟飘向外面的世界。Melting, nose-tingling odors saturate the kitchen, suffuse the house, drift out to the world on puffs of chimney smoke.

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这种对感受的敏锐,涵盖了所有的努力,从基本的用户体验到最终的UI设计。This sensitivity to feel should suffuse the whole endeavor, from the foundational user experience work to the final UI.

预计,对印度尼西亚生活的节奏来弥漫自己大二录制,将于今年晚些时候同情和爱。Expect that empathy and love for the rhythms of Indonesian life to suffuse their sophomore recording, due later this year.

深呼吸,想一件让你高兴的事并让喜悦充满你的心灵,当你遇到困难或感到难过时这样做。Take a deep breath, think of a thing which brings you Joy and let the Joy suffuse your being. Do this when you are troubled or sad.

这包括用户界面设计和充溢网站的视觉语言,内容和用户交互之中的品牌特质。This includes user interface design and the brand qualities that suffuse the site’s visual language, content, and user interactions.

你将沉浸在光亮,魅力和爱的热情的氛围中,因为金星和有魔法的海王星会合。Glitter, glamour, and affection galore could suffuse the atmosphere, due to a rendezvous between Venus and Neptune, the planet of enchantment.

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雅安是四川的古镇,题目暗示艺术家有意在作品渗透四川的民间色彩,也侧面揭示了周春芽作品中的东方元素。The title of the work, Ya'an, an ancient town in Sichuan, has indeed hinted the artist's intention to suffuse the work with folk culture in Sichuan.

是的,只有文化这个不太确切的词能够解释越南人民朝前看的能力。按照渗透越南人民生活的佛教和儒家的观点,当下和未来才是重要的。No, only culture, that inadequate word, can explain Vietnam's ability to look forward. In Buddhism and Confucianism, which suffuse Vietnamese life, the present and future are prized.