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公主殿下。Her Royal Highness.

公主殿下气派非凡地来了。Her Highness arrived in style.

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民妇见过殿下。People Fu once sees his highness.

安迪尔斯上校-在阁下?。Captain Antilles. -Yes, Your Highness?

虚度二十七载,殿下。Twenty-seven gutless years, your highness.

久闻殿下是剑术高手。We hear that Your Highness is an expert swordsman.

引用我喜欢的一部电影,“生活是痛苦的,殿下。To quote a favorite movie, "Life is pain, Highness.

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那垛墙砌得很高,可防止窃贼进入。The highness of the wall prevents thieves from entering.

但那是我的工作,我的职责就是擦亮它。But it's my job, Your Highness. I'm the royal crown polisher.

不,不,陛下,我意思是今天穿的外套深褐色。Oh no! I mean fuscous jacket I'm wearing, Your Royal Highness.

同时确定了中间包卷渣的临界高度。The critical highness of slag entrapment was gained in tundish.

殿下的头衔仅仅授予了公爵一个人。The title of Royal Highness was to be restricted to the Duke alone.

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王母娘娘命令韩孟翔吮干她头发上的酒渍呢!Her Highness commands Han Meng-hsiang to lap up the wine in her hair!

是啊,殿下。宫里人人都喜欢我,连狗也不例外。Yes, your highness. Everybody in the palace likes me , even the dogs.

为阁下考虑,我可以总结成一个词。"I shall put it into a single word for the benefit of your highness".

公主殿下对所过访的城市中印象最深的是哪个呢?。Which of the cities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most?

二十分钟后,殿下华丽地兜了一圈后,降落了。Twenty minutes later, after a royal joyride, his highness touched down.

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公主殿下对于所拜候的城市中印象最深的是哪个呢?。Whelloch of the cities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most?

“阿钦兰的王子科奥殿下。”有个声音在门外说道。"His Royal Highness Prince Cor of Archenland, " said a voice from outside.

它直接决定了家庭网络的设计所能达到的高度和服务水平。It decides the design highness and the service level that the home net can touch.