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选用激光木样刀模。Adopt laser wood die cutter.

我们采取的是股份制。We adopt share-holding system.

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订定一明确目标。Adopt a definite major purpose.

因此,采用更谦逊的做法。So adopt a more humble approach.

方法采用双抗夹心ELISA法。Methods Adopt the method of ELISA.

本型号机均采用高级控制系统。We adopt first-class control system.

收养人只能收养一名子女。The adopter may only adopt one child.

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我们可以领养一个孤儿,或将孩子给人收养。We may keep an orphan or adopt it out.

因此,经销商们采取了预付款制度。So the dealers adopt the pre-pay system.

是否应采取对抗的立场?Should it adopt a confrontational stance?

采用钢化外罩设计,清洁卫生。Adopt tempering cover, clean and sanitary.

能依此轨来修习是非常好的。It would be a wonderful practice to adopt.

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政府应该采取保护措施。Govemment should adopt protecting measures.

我想要有自己的孩子,不过也会领养。I want to have my own kids, but also adopt.

形势迫使我们采取这项政策。Circumstances force us to adopt this policy.

取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy!

采用劳动卫生学调查方法。To adopt labor hygiene investigation method.

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我应该采用哪种虚拟化?What kinds of virtualization should I adopt?

包你放心,采取防护措施啊!Wrap you to trust, adopt protection measure!

采用轻量级,工具支持的代码评审Adopt lightweight, tool-assisted code reviews