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克里斯蒂娜对于美国民众的热爱由来甚早。Christina's love of American civics began early.

玩家是可以自由选择任何时政组合。Players are free to choose any combination of civics.

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他们泰然自若地在公民学课上为自己的信念辩护。They'll readily defend their beliefs in civics class.

我在公民课学到了很多关于政府的知识。I have learned a lot about our government in my civics class.

这就是这些书想要达成的目标我希望更多的美国人能够受到这样的市政教育。I wish that more Americans had that kind of civics education.

人们占领人民公园,中断低预算的电影和也迫使公民速成班停课。Its part Peoples Park, part low-budget film set and part civics crash course.

但青年们对公民学,历史,文化,地理学以及时事又了解多少?But what do young people know about civics , history, culture, geography, and current events?

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我希望给我的学生上一些公民课或者道德课,这个蠢驴似的小丑将是一个很好的讨论话题。That you want to present this picture to the public that everything is OK and it's a great civics lesson.

哪里还有我在公民学课上学到的制衡作用?Where are companies like Blackwater held to any conceivable check and balance that I learned in civics class?

我一直对怎么改善人们的生态系统充满兴趣----无论是在公民、教育、或是在经济方面的。But I've always had an interest in how we improve people's ecosystems -- whether it's civics or education or economics.

她称,学校需要提供更多的公民教育,而州政府应该继续努力使投票更简便。She says schools need to provide more civics education and states need to continue their efforts to make voting easier.

但同时诱惑侦查具有诱惑性与隐蔽性,因而极易侵害公民的合法权益,因此必须对其进行有效的法律规制。But because of its temptation, hidden, it is easy to violate the legal right of the civics , so we should rule it effectively.

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一些已知的市政是自由市场,环境论,奴隶,农奴,言论自由,征兵,释放和国家的独立。Some of the known civics are Free Market, Environmentalism, Slavery, Serfdom, Free Speech, Conscription, Emancipation, and Nationhood.

正当防卫是公民实现自我权利的一种自力救济手段,是刑法学理论中的一个重要内容,历来是刑法实践聚讼的焦点。Self-defense is a means of self-help by which a civics can achieve his droit, it's usually an important part and focus of Criminal Law.

从温总的老泪横秋到身体力行。人们看到党和政府的态度,看到了对人生命的尊重。From old prime's tears to self-devote to the frontline, civics has felt the attitude of the government and Communist Party, and the respect for people's life.

这条俄罗斯新资本主义之路其实就是中派力量倡导的一条社资择优的中间道路,其国家模式为“公民社会”。The road to new capitalism in Russia with a "civics society" is a substantial middle road between socialism and capitalism, which is proposed by the middle-of-the-roader.

巴黎美国大学政治学教授斯蒂芬.埃克维区相信,不论斯特劳斯.卡恩的未来如何,他的案子已经给很多法国人上了一堂公民课程。American University of Paris Political Science Professor Steven Ekovich believes that whatever Strauss-Kahn's future, his case has offered a civics lesson for many French.

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例如,文艺复兴社团,有众多来自佛罗伦萨的学生,他们的身份是艺术家,为他们的赞助人,也就是他们的老师工作,他们学习历史、地理和公民学。The Renaissance Club, for example, welcomes students to Florence, where they work as guild artists for a patron—their teacher—and learn about history, geography, and civics.

政府将会于明年初提供相关的学习材料。The government will provide study materials beginning early next year.United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week.

美国公民和移民局上周公布了新一轮公民知识测验的问题和答案,并对入籍考试的阅读和写作部分进行了重新设计。United States Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the new civics questions and answers last week. The reading and writing parts of the naturalization test have also been redone.