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超级骇客准备连接。Super Hacker ready for linkup.

想成为一个内核黑客吗?Want to become a kernel hacker?

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中国也是黑客攻击的受害者。China also falls victim to hacker attacks.

黑客这窃贼把我搅扰。I was bothered by a pilferer named hacker.

你看,各种黑客我都玩得转。Because, you see, I do all the hacker stuff.

生活黑客的想法和行为则不因循守旧。The life hacker thinks and acts unconventionally.

一则留言说,想成为黑客、黑掉谷歌?Wanna be a hacker and hack Google?Go to Lanxiang!

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黑客可以以此获取电话里储存的号码和联系方法。A hacker could get numbers and contact information.

GUN很快就成了黑客活动的主战场。GNU quickly became a major focus for hacker activity.

这两个因素提高了黑客入侵的危险。Both factors heighten the danger of a hacker break-in.

我曾经遇到过很多人,甚至也抓过一两个黑客。I've met great people and even caught a hacker or two.

他便在幻影论坛上发出了招募黑客的帖子。He issued the card of recruit hacker on illusive forum.

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亚历克斯暗适应模具黑客入从容得多。Dark Alex fits much more comfortably into the hacker mould.

“拥有”这个词,用黑客的行话来说也就是控制。To 'own' something in hacker slang is to take control of it.

保护您以对抗基于网际网路的蠕虫及骇客攻击。Protects you against Internet-borne worms and hacker attacks.

任何黑客看到一把锁,首先想到的是怎么才能撬开。Show any hacker a lock and his first thought is how to pick it.

现在2011年黑客组织又登上各大媒体头版头条。Now, in 2011, it is hacker groups making the headlines once again.

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仅仅这一下,黑客就能阻止你连上因特网。In one move, the hacker has cut off your network from the Internet.

由于媒体的宣传,黑客一词臭名昭彰。Thanks to the media, the word "hacker" has gotten a bad reputation.

我自己就是个程序师,所以掌握黑客技术对我来说非常容易。I'm a programmer. So it'seasy for me to learn the hacker technology.