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大量的浮木,但所有的湿。Lots of driftwood , but all wet.

添加浮木门建筑部分。Added Driftwood Door building part.

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添加浮木窗建筑部分。Added Driftwood Window building part.

我辨认出那是一根希奇的浮木。I had spotted a strange piece of driftwood.

一片浮木啪的一声落在他前面。A piece of driftwood snapped in front of him.

欢迎光临德里夫特伍德肖尔斯度假和会议中心。Welcome to Driftwood Shores Resort and Conference Center.

商店买浮木是清洁和没有浸泡。Store bought driftwood is cleaned and has not been soaked.

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自助浮木需要时间,但它将为您节省吨的钱。DIY driftwood takes time, but it will save you tons of money.

软木树皮和沉木是很好的装饰材料。Cork bark and driftwood are attractive items to decorate with.

谎言是根浮木,早晚会被冲海岸。——阿尔巴尼亚。Driftwood lie is root, sooner or later are washed to the shore.

现存的25份文稿全都写在木板上,其中有些篇幅很长。There are only 25 inscriptions, some quite long, and all written on driftwood.

泰勒努力的从浪花中把漂流过来的原木拖到岸边,然后把它们竖在沙滩上。Tyler was pulling driftwood logs out of the surf and dragging them up the beach.

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在学习佛教之前,我的生活就像是大海中漂流的一根浮木,毫无目的。Before learning Buddhism, I lived my life like driftwood lost out in the open sea.

我会尽力配合的青苔上浮木和发展正确和很好在我坦克。I'll try to tie the moss onto driftwood and grow it properly and nicely in my tank.

以保护他在这险恶的环境中生存,并且保存他所有剩下的东西。Out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.

如今这个浮木搭建的小屋已经成为一处过去时代的遗迹,矗立在美得令人惊叹的荒野中。Now the driftwood hut is a relic of a bygone age, in a wilderness of breathtaking beauty.

如果我觉得住在茅草屋为旅游的人雕雕纪念品就算一种幸福呢?What if I find happiness living in a grass hut, carving driftwood figurines for tourists?

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当然,你还可以使用贝壳、海胆或小块浮木以及水草。You could also use seashells, sand dollars, or small pieces of driftwood and beach grass.

太平洋海岸图片。片浮木谎言冲刷沙滩角阿拉哥在俄勒冈州立公园。Pieces of driftwood lie washed up on the sandy beaches of Cape Arago State Park in Oregon.

我就像完美风暴中的一段漂流木,很明显,现在是该做出决定的时候了。I was a piece of driftwood in a perfect storm, and it was clear that decisions needed to be made.