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参见编码链。Sense strand --- See coding strand.

打上高岸头,方退又再回。At their return, up the high strand.

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故事的一部分是这样的。Here's at least a strand of the story.

绿色和地点,它与一钢绞线的黑人。Green and place it with one strand of black.

流过河滨大街,直上维多利亚街。And along the Strand up Q en Victoria Street.

长丝纱的一段为S捻,一段为Z捻,两种捻向交替排列。The filament strand alternates S and Z twist.

买一匹两岁的,咱们牵到海滩上驯去。A two-year-old and we'll break' it on the strand.

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那都是七八年前在滨河路的事了。That was seven or eight years ago, in the Strand.

我曾经多次将一缕灰发编到围巾里去。I have knitted many a gray strand into many a scarf.

在拉拔生产过程中高速钢盘条经常发生拉丝断裂现象。Fracture often occurs in process of HSS strand drawing.

一条叫做斯特兰德的大街将它们串连起来。Linking them we may see a main street called the Strand.

对西钢新建生产线五机五流小方坯连铸机改造进行了综述。Five strand billet caster at Xining Special Steel Group Co.

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她的一缕芳香的头发掠过葛泰的面颊。A strand of her hair swept Gerty's cheek with its fragrance.

淡水珍珠和水钻由股线编织成的手链。Freshwater pearl and rhinestone strand interwoven with thread.

所以DNA复制是以DNA单链为模板的So DNA is replicated using one strand of the DNA as a template.

斯特兰德街是伦敦最繁华、最富足的街道之一。The Strand is one of London's busiest and most affluent streets.

其核酸结构为线状双股DNA,衣壳为二十面体对称,有囊膜。It has linear double strand DNA, icosahedral-capsid and envelope.

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在每一个倾斜索面内,拉索按以下的形式布置。In each sloping plane the stays take the following strand pattern.

难道我正沿着森迪蒙特沙滩走向永恒?Open your eyes. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand?

手缝线迹推荐使用一根单股相配的线。A single strand of matching thread is recommended for hand stitching.