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有去过中世纪教堂的吗Ever been to a medieval cathedral?

圣。保罗大教堂50米远。St Pauls Cathedral 50 meters away.

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芒通的圣·米歇尔大教堂。The cathedral Saint-Michel of Menton.

克里姆林宫的圣母领报大教堂。Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin.

这是弗罗茨瓦夫的主要教堂。This is the main cathedral in Wroclaw.

主教在大教堂执行圣职。The bishop officiated at the cathedral.

这个石头教堂被作为一个粮仓使用。The stone cathedral was used as a granary.

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我拍了一些大教堂的幻灯片。I took some transparencies of the cathedral.

该座教堂建造的时间可上溯至中古世纪。The cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.

天主教堂和耶稣教堂的美丽宁静而安详。Cathedral and churches possess a serene beauty.

圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night.

这个婴儿是在圣保罗教堂施洗礼的。The baby was christened in St. Paul's Cathedral.

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其中最大的是基督复活教堂。The hugest one is Christ Resurrection Cathedral.

这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。The clergyman has been benefice in that cathedral.

圣文萨斯雷的皇冠保存在布拉格大教堂。The crown of St Wenceslas was in prague cathedral.

达勒姆大教堂是一著名的罗马式大教堂。Durham cathedral is a famous romanes que cathedral.

这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。The clergyman has been beneficed in that cathedral.

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每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去瞻仰一下大教堂。Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral.

他的皮肤和骨骼现在保存在西西里的大教堂中。His skin and bones are kept in a Cathedral in Sicily.

他们是在圣巴寒洛缪大教堂结婚的。They marry in sacred a surname Ba Hanluo's cathedral.