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那是一道幻见中的彩虹桥。That is the chimerical rainbow bridge.

他又从空想的恐怖掉进了现实的恐怖。He fell back from chimerical terrors to real terrors.

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大多数来自于受害者的解释是被当作空想。Most interpret the information from the victims as chimerical thinking.

而没有了现实这面镜子,记忆就只是一种空想的梦境。Without the mirror of reality, memory would be only a chimerical dream.

圆明园在幻想艺术中的地位就如同巴特农神庙在理想艺术中的地位。The Summer Palace was to chimerical art what the Parthenon is to ideal art.

但是,对于现代化的要求却有一点很不可理喻,那就是,“现代”这个词是随时变化的,而中国人的现代化观念也是随之而改变的。But at the same time, there is a chimerical element to the quest for modernity.

起初,罗柏特·富尔顿的汽船计划被嘲弄为荒诞无聊的事。At first Robert Fulton's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

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起初,罗伯特·富尔顿的汽船计划被嘲弄为荒诞无聊的事。At first, Robert Fulton's plans for his steamboat were derided as chimerical nonsense.

结果是,苏联和日本对美国霸权的威胁被证明是空想。In the end, of course, the Soviet and Japanese threats to American supremacy proved chimerical.

又或是对于这些被印度和美国玩弄于鼓掌之间的幻想中的牌会令中国愈加谨慎?And is China getting increasingly wary about these chimerical cards that India and America can play around with?

不出大家所料,泰德想在后院饲养白鼬来发财的荒诞不经的计划以惨败告终。As everyone expected ted's chimerical scheme to make a fortune by raising ermines in his backyard proved a dismal failure.

人们已花了一世纪寻找不真实的生物,直到实体出现以前,怀疑是最适当的态度。A century has been spent searching for these chimerical creatures. Until a body is produced, skepticism is the appropriate response.

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你可以重新整理业务文件,学习一些你所在领域之外的规章知识,不论业务成交与否都给客户写感谢信。Studying regulations in areas with only a chimerical connection to yours. Writing notes to customers to thank them just for coming in to browse.

但是,由于年轻人易于仅仅继续这种工作仅仅生活在荒诞的宇宙的垄断性。However, it's because of its monopoly that the young people tend to consume only these types of works and only live in these chimerical universes.

作为一座坚实稳固的南极前哨,拥有严酷冷峻的环境,覆盖表面的半是长年冰雪、半是裸露岩石和苔类植物,南乔治亚就这样如梦似幻让人称奇。For a polar outpost so solid and austere, covered half by permanent snow and ice and half by bare rock and tundralike vegetation, South Georgia is strangely chimerical.

在揭露一些臭名昭著的垄断其实质或者是空想,或者是政府特权的产物后,帕特森把注意力转向了公认对垄断的补救措施上。After exposing several infamous "monopolies" as either chimerical or the product of government privilege, Paterson turns her attention to the putative remedy for monopoly.