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她的心跳加快。Her heart rate accelerated.

那辆汽车突然加速。The car suddenly accelerated.

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提速,我同意。Accelerated movement, I concur.

正在大力提高这项日程的速度。The schedule is highly accelerated.

这家公司的入职教育的确增进了我的知识。This really accelerated my knowledge.

因此要多开窗,加速空气流通。So many Windows, accelerated air circulation.

外汇储备的增长在2002年开始加速。The accumulation accelerated in 2002. As the U.

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热使反应加速。The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated.

自2000年以来,这种减少的速度加快了。The pace of decline has accelerated since 2000.

听到吴邪的呻圝吟声,张起灵加快了速度。Hearing Naivete's moan, Kylin accelerated his speed.

文化体育事业加快发展。We accelerated the development of culture and sports.

加速死亡的十件事真理还是谬误?The accelerated death "ten things truth or falsehood?"

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到了2003年,它加速到每年12600米。By 2003, it had accelerated to 12, 600 meters per year.

目前全球化大大推动了人才流动这一进程。Globalization has accelerated this trend significantly.

心率有规律的加速而后减慢。The heart rate is regularly accelerated and then retarded.

物体二在没加速时,重量为1。This one had a weight 1.25 g 25g without being accelerated.

加快发展生态高效都市型农业。Ecologically effective city agriculture will be accelerated.

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商品流通现代化步伐加快。The modernization of commodity distribution was accelerated.

此后,回购率可能有所加快。The rate of repurchases has probably accelerated since then.

有了它,H.264编码的视频转换的速度将会大幅提高。With it in place, H.264 video conversions can be accelerated.