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1516到1518年间,提香为这幅巨型祭坛装饰画工作了至少两年。Titian worked on this altarpiece for more than two years from 1516 to 1518.

还可以见到伦勃朗、鲁本斯、提香和普桑等艺术家的作品。Works of artists like Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian and Poussin can also be seen.

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你们可以对比一下,这幅画和提香的查尔斯有什么不同Now, how different that is than the portrait of Charles that you saw by Titian.

1516到1518年间,提香为这幅巨型祭坛装饰画工作了至少两年。Titian worked on this huge altarpiece for more than two years from 1516 to 1518.

原本是送给飞利浦二世的,但是提香一直把它留在自己的画室中,直到1576年死去。It was also meant for Philip II, but Titian kept it in his studio until he died in 1576.

提香所做的,就是把奥维德描述的某一,或者某几个场景定格。What Titian has done is to insert a moment, or, more like, a freeze-frame, into Ovid 's account.

画里背景都黑布隆冬的,脸上表情都跟受尽了折磨似的,必是提香。If the images have a dark background and everyone has tortured expressions on their faces, it's Titian.

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该馆收藏的宗教雕塑和绘画包括拉斐尔、提香和卡拉瓦乔的作品。The museum's collection of religious sculpture and painting includes works by Raphael, Titian and Caravaggio.

在我们的中心,我们提供优质的学习环境,确保你学到会为止。In Pusat Bahasa Titian Jaya, we provide you great study enviroment, make sure you can learn until you master this language.

他们大多数,不过,画像法院知名人士认为,职级与画像画由提香和安东尼范戴克。Most of them, however, are portraits of court notables that rank with the portraits painted by Titian and Anthony Van Dyck.

不过它们当中的主要部分,还是那些被提香和安东尼·凡·代克列为肖像名单的宫廷名人肖像。Most of them, however, are portraits of court notables that rank with the portraits painted by Titian and Anthony Van Dyck.

观看提香和卡拉瓦吉奥的艺术杰作可以帮助这些人理解到与一个有能力的团队合作的价值。Looking at artistic masterpieces by Titian or Caravaggio might help them understand the value of working with a talented team.

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一件是荷兰画家伦勃朗的,一件是西班牙的维拉斯贵兹的,还有一件意大利的提香的作品。One was by the Dutch artist Rembrandt, another by the Spanish artist Velazquez, and another was by the Italian artist, Titian.

他还称不仅在达·芬奇的画作中,甚至还在其他文艺复兴大师——包括提香、拉菲尔的名画中发现了相似隐藏的画面。Mr Piccirillo also claims to have found similar hidden images in the works of other Renaissance painters including Titian and Rafael.

它属于提香、伦勃朗和德拉克洛瓦的教派,而不仅仅是20世纪初期的禁欲主义和唯心主义。It belongs to the tradition of Titian and Rembrandt and Delacroix, and not just to the asceticism and idealism of the early twentieth century.

为了表现教堂予人的光明、充满希望的感受,艺术家以鲜橙色、橙红色、蛋黄色,这些温暖的颜色绘画教堂。He depicts the warmth and hope that the church conjures up, with patches of bright orange, titian red and yolk-like yellow in a harmonious combination.

于单一的色彩来说,人们通常都会知道红黄色系是属于暖色调,而蓝绿色系则是属于冷色调。At onefold colour for, people can know Titian department is to belong to warm color to move normally, and glaucous department is to belong to cool color to move.

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此前我几乎一无所知的保罗·委罗内塞,是与提香和丁托列托一起被誉为文艺复兴时期威尼斯画派三杰的艺术大师。Paolo Veronese, from whom I have never heard before in my life, next to Titian and Tintoretto, constitute the triumvirate of Venetian art masters of the renaissance.

但是,皇家的收藏中有几幅人体绘画,包括提香的一组著名绘画,委拉斯开兹可以接触到那些收藏,并为之作过画。However, the royal collection, to which Velazquez had access and for which he painted, had several paintings of nudes , including the group of famous paintings by Titian.

另一件前所未见的藏品最近被博物馆购得,它是提香的油画“爱战胜一切”,或称“爱征服一切”,1960年以来未在公开场合出现过。Another of the previously unseen pieces, recently acquired by the museum, is the Titian painting Amor Vincit Omnia or Love Conquers All not seen in public since 1960.