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我赞美白杨树那挺拔的树干。I eulogize the tall and straight trunk of the white poplar.

能让一方百姓永久传颂和怀念的!Can let what eulogize and yearn for one party common people is permanent!

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对于人民,这个人类世界历史的创造者,为什么不应该歌颂呢?Why should we not eulogize the people, the creators of the history of mankind?

在剧中,演员试图去表现剧作家人性的一面,而不仅仅是为其歌功颂德。In the show, the actor attempts to humanize rather than eulogize the playwright.

就像一个生理学家,惠特曼写了很多诗歌来赞美性、身体和女人。Just like a physiologist, Whitman wrote many poems to eulogize sex, body and women.

思想界也称,这是一部反映现代知识分子良心良知的书。Thinkers eulogize that it reflects the conscience and intuitive knowledge of intellectuals.

桃花的世界,多少文人墨客赞美她,浪漫而富有诗意。The peach blossom world , number men of letters eulogize her , romantic but are rich in poetry.

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亲情太平淡了,或许,以前我们不止一次地歌颂过父爱,母爱。Family is too boring, perhaps, before we have more than one occasion to eulogize the father, mother love.

因为诗歌,即使在北方最严寒的冬夜,我也能讴歌复苏,那就是温暖。Because of poetry, even in the chilliest winter night, I could still eulogize and revive, so that was warmth.

其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity.

用最简单的话叙述他们3人生平最光辉的事迹最好是值得别人歌颂的。Recount their 3 people life with the simplest word most brilliant achievement had better be to be worth others to eulogize.

这不仅从各种文献记载上可以得到证明,而且诗人们多以赞颂的诗句予以讴歌。This is not only documented from a variety of on can be proved, but many poets to sing the praises of the poem be eulogize.

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与大多数浪漫主义诗人一样,华兹华斯和雪莱都咏赞大自然,讴歌自然界的山水风景来表达对自然的挚爱。Like most romantic poets, Wordsworth and Shelley chant nature's beautiful landscape and eulogize it to express their deep love for it.

“爱”一直是宗教、心理学、社会学共同关注的问题,也是诗人和艺术家们所赞美的主题。"Love" is the question that religion, psychology, sociology drastically pay attention to, also the theme that poets and artists eulogize.

数周之前,当史蒂夫。乔布斯由于健康原因而宣布辞去苹果公司的执行总裁时,媒体界对他好象称赞过早。A few weeks ago, the media world seemed to prematurely eulogize Steve Jobs when he announced he was stepping down as Apple CEO for health reasons.

而把玉本身具有的一些自然特性比附于人的道德品质,作为所谓“君子”应具有的德行而加以崇尚歌颂,更是中国人的创造。Moreover, it's creative, in Chinese peoples view, to eulogize noble virtues by comparing some natural traits of jade to the ethics of human beings.

文学家不觉中成为政活的传声筒,为殖民主义摇旗呐喊,助推英帝国的殖民扩张政策与海上霸权的建立。Consciously or not, take the role of a politician to eulogize ColOnialism i As a result, the Empire's colonization and power on the sea was laid a solid foundation.

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研究湘西苗歌演唱的现状不仅是为了总结她的过去,更重要的是为了继承和发扬她的艺术特色和风格。Studying the present situation of singing Miao Ethnic Group's folksongs not only aims at eulogize its past, but more importantly aims at inherit and spread its artistic features and styles.

这种小资产阶级的个人主义者,当然不愿意歌颂革命人民的功德,鼓舞革命人民的斗争勇气和胜利信心。Of course, such petty-bourgeois individualists are unwilling to eulogize the deeds and virtues of the revolutionary people or heighten their courage in struggle and their confidence in victory.

作者想要通过翠翠、傩送的爱情悲剧,去淡化现实的黑暗与痛苦,去讴歌一种古朴的象征着“爱”与“美”的人性与生活方式。Author would like to by Tracy, Tan Song sent love tragedy, to dilute the reality of darkness and pain, to eulogize the ancient symbol of a kind of "love" and "beauty" of human nature and lifestyle.