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保存并退出。Save and exit.

退出恢复模式。Exit recovery mode.

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退出并签封。Exit and sign out v.

保存文件然后退出。Save the file and exit.

到最近的出口去。Get to the nearest exit.

我可以坐在紧急出口的那排座位吗?Can I sit in an exit row?

普里斯红色按钮退出。Prees red button to exit.

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我们走后面的太平门。We left by the rear exit.

Bellick和狱警们离开了。Bellick and the C.O.s exit.

到海湾出口还有1英里。Kestrel 1 mile to bay exit.

固定出口和入口狭缝。Fixed entrance and exit slit.

风筝要以机头向上的姿态结束动作。The kite should exit nose-up.

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退出组策略控制台。Exit the Group Policy console.

载入器返回1退出当前状态。Loader returned 1 exit status.

梁吉成却不同意退出。Liang Ji into disagree to exit.

保存配置,然后退出。Save the configuration and exit.

他把他的车停放在靠近出口处的车位上。He stalled his car near the exit.

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去昆仑饭店,请走B出口。Take Exit B for the Kunlun Hotel.

为什么你会想要退出这种关系呢?A. Why would you look for an exit?

除了一个出口外,其余的出口都被封了。He found all but one exit blocked.