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如果天马舰是世界末日的世界。If tml is the doomsday of the world.

这是零售界版本的死光炮塔。It’s the retail version of the doomsday machine.

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况且,过去世界末日的预言往往基于宗教信仰。Past doomsday prophecies have often relied on religious beliefs.

毕竟,核导弹是最坏情况下使用的武器,末日炸弹。Nuclear missiles are, after all, worst-case weapons, doomsday bombs.

这些影响开始给整个人类带来世界末日。These effects are set at bringing a doomsday to the whole of humanity.

世界末日投资的问题在于很难兑现。The problem with doomsday investing is that it's difficult to cash out.

这个黄石要喷竟变种进2012末日消息中。This news about Yellowstone morphed into more 2012-style doomsday news.

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世界末日终会来临吗?我不这么认为。Will doomsday ultimately transpire? I don't think so. I explain why here.

事实上,康威在他的末日算法中重用了卡罗尔的方法。In fact, Conway reused Carroll's method as part of the doomsday algorithm.

造成混乱的另一个典型场景是意外地覆盖现有的文件。Another typical doomsday scenario is the accidental overwriting of an existing file.

据报道,另两部有关2012世界末日的电影也正在筹划中。Two other major movies about the 2012 doomsday are also reported to be in the works.

于是便创造了世界末日钟,向世人显示人类离自我毁灭有多近。They created the doomsday clock to show how close humans had come to destroying themselves.

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而在流行的末世论中,行星排成一行将导致世界末日的到来。And there we have the popular doomsday theory that we will be killed via planetary alignment.

在一些关于2012年世界末日的预言里,地球将会成为一个非常危险的地方,因为会发生“磁极转换”In some 2012 doomsday prophecies, the Earth becomes a deathtrap as it undergoes a "pole shift."

这部影片是根据玛雅人有关世界末日的预言,时间显然将发生在2012年。The film is based on the Mayan doomsday prediction, which will apparently happen in the year 2012.

所以,朝鲜半岛上发生全面战争的可怕局面其实还是非常遥不可及的。The doomsday scenario of full-scale war on the Korean peninsula is an extremely remote possibility.

为了拯救人类,哈瑞和他的朋友们与外星人展开了一场“末日保卫队”!In order to save mankind, harry and his friends and alien launched a "doomsday defend team"! ! ! ! !

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他们将真的会记录下双体的轨道周期每次的缩短,倒数着末日到来的日子。They would have a real doomsday clock the counted down each shrinkage of the binary's orbital period.

他们将真的会记录下双体的轨道周期每次缩短的时间,倒数着末日到来的日子。They would have a real doomsday clock the counted down each shrinkage of the binary’s orbital period.

麻原彰晃的末日论主要就是受到香巴拉意识形态和藏传喇嘛教的影响。Asahara's Doomsday Philosophy was mainly influenced by the Shambhala Ideology and by Tibetan Tantrism.