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她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother.

俩之间的亲密交谈一直继续到半夜。The sisterly chat between the two of them lasted till midnight.

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我对高孚利先生那种情同手足的关心是至深且巨的。So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey.

可不可以说你试图以一种姐妹之爱去超越它?Could one say that you try to go beyond it in the direction of sisterly love?

她们是双胞胎姐妹,她们之间的姐妹爱比血缘关系来得还要深切纠结。They are twin sisters. They share a sisterly love that runs deeper than blood.

嗨,漂亮妹妹,给我一点姊妹关怀,跟我约个会吧!Hey beautiful lady , give me some of your sisterly love and go on a date with me.

我以为那样做就不可能促进姐妹之间的情感,也不可能养成温柔的性格。I think it would not be very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind.

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你带我走遍你以前走过的路线,说起你宿舍那帮好姐妹。You took me to walk the ways you'd walked before, and talked to me about your sisterly roommates.

而各成员国也表达了努力协助这个姐妹国家的决心。And expressing its determination to pool the efforts of member states to assist this sisterly country.

我们在前草坪的小路上跑步,在地下室的保龄球场上相互对抗。We ran on the track in front lawn, and squared off in sisterly bowling duels down in the basement alley.

我们在前草坪上健身,在地下室的保龄球馆来场姐妹对决。We ran on the track in the front lawn, and squared off in sisterly bowling duels down in the basement alley.

在这个意义上来说,克林顿夫人竞选中形成的最大财富显示,也许下次的竞选应该更感性点,具有姐妹一样的感性。In that sense, the biggest legacy of Clinton's run may prove to be some sisterly competition the next time around.

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她们会像很多巴基斯坦女孩一样手牵手走在大街上——这只被看作是“姐妹情”。They would hold hands walking down the street as many women do in Pakistan — it's simply regarded as "sisterly love."

身为罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区主席,我很高兴我的大区能与上海结为友好城市,并且由衷地感到自豪。As the President of Great Rh?ne-Alpes, I am very glad and proud that our region has formed a sisterly tie with Shanghai.

她是摩西的姐姐。当摩西被放在尼罗河边的芦苇丛中时她定睛守住他。The older sister of Moses who kept a sisterly eye on him while he was in the papyrus reeds on the side of the Nile river.

因此,我们更加愿意在安妮面前做想做的事,有时也能从她姐妹般的忠告中获益。Therefore, we were a bit more willing to confess our activities to Anne and sometimes benefited from her sisterly advice.

贝拉比杰克高了一个头,她象老大姐一样轻轻拍了拍杰克的肩膀,给了他一个同志式的拥抱。Bela clapped Jack on the shoulder in comradely fashion and gave him a sisterly hug. She towered over him, a full head taller.

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我一直把阿格尼斯称做姐姐,或许现在我已没资格问她对我的爱是否能超越姐弟般的爱。I had always called Agnes sister, and now perhaps I no longer had the right to ask whether her love for me was more than sisterly.

你要是呼吁人们彼此以兄弟姐妹相待,人们会嘲笑你,把你的话当耳旁风。Anyone who calls upon the capacity of people to practice brotherly and sisterly love is more likely to be ridiculed than to be taken seriously.

“姐妹情”的观念使女性之间的爱恋不易被发现,甚至比呆在西方国家更容易隐瞒——直至她们到了适婚年龄。And that idea of "sisterly love" allows female lovers to stay under the radar, even more easily than in the West — until they reach the age of marriage.